A deaf girl is given the gift of hearing

Categories: News
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 23, 2005

The Telegraph is running an article about how a young girl (12 years old) has been given cochlear implants and can now hear. It brings joy to my heart to read that. More so to me, then maybe it should, you see when I was born I was also deaf, I was deaf for the first 3 years of my life. The cure for me was much simpler, because the problem was different. What happened to me (I don’t remember this stuff, I am restating what my mom told me about me when I was a baby) was when I was born I had massive ear infections, so bad that it was pushing out on the ear drums. We lived in New York at the time. My mom said she would take me to the doctor a lot since I had not started to talk by 2 years, and he said I was just a late bloomer. Well when I was 3 (and when my sister was just born) we moved to Pittsburgh. The first doctor the look at me started to yell at my mother because he thought I was neglected since the problem (to him) was obvious. The solution was ear tubes (also for those of you that have read my blog for some time will see many spelling mistakes, well there is why, and those who know me, know of my speech impediment, that is even after 8 years of speech therapy as a child). The affects of this were many like how I did not graduate from High School till I was 20 years old, I was 2 years behind for many years in school. I do feel sorry for this girl for the problems she will face in life, she probably has a speech impediment, and her peers in school probably will, if they don’t already, make fun of the way she talks. But one thing is for sure, she will value her hearing, maybe even more then I value my hearing, I would reather go blind then loss my hearing.

“The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” the Movie

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Published on: December 23, 2005

Last night I went with a friend to see “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.” I will admit that I can not say if it is faithful to the book or not, since I don’t remember the book that well. Maybe after I finish up the 5 books that are on my reading list I might pick up The Conicals of Narnia and read them. I can say from what I know of C. S. Lewis, it was faithful to the message. I did enjoy the movie, and I hope they do make the other books into movies. I would recommend the movie to anyone, unless you are Polly Toynbee, or like her (where she says “Narnia represents everything that is most hateful about religion”, she seems to really hate redemption if you read her article).

All in all the movie is very good. The beginning of the movie shows the 4 kids being shipped off for their protection because of the bombings of London at the time the story takes place. This is moving (sad) and I would think it would be moving to even the hardest of hearts. I don’t want to go to deep into the movie, in case the reader here has not seen the movie and does not know the storie.

The down side of banning the IP address of spammers

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: December 23, 2005

Well today, an inocent party really got hurt today because of the spammers. I normally just ban the IP address of some one that spams my blog. Well It looks like one of the spammers uses AOL. Well (sadly) my mom also uses AOL. Well she got an IP address that a spammer had used before. I told her if she tries again after disconnection and reconnection she sould see my site again, if not I can get the IP address that she keeps getting and unban it. But I am not going to change my polocy about banning the IP address of spammers, on first offence.

I call for a boycott of products from TX, TX law permits “doctors” to murder people

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 22, 2005

A law in TX has allowed “doctors” to murder another person. (thanks rob at unspace for bring this up) This is just pure murder pure and simple. From what Rob posted (and I don’t have reason to not belive what he wrote) the woman did not want to die, she was pleading not to be murdered!!!! the “doctors” that murdered her belong in jail for LIFE. What ever happend to the oath they take about “do no harm” and to murder someone is harm. The poor woman gave up and asked for just one more day, and the heartless “doctors” could not even give her that. I hope that “hospital” and those “doctors” get sued in to oblivian!!!!!!!
Bush I will admit I blame you for this murder too, it is a law you signed into law there that alowed the “doctors” to murder that poor woman. Also I should note this is not the first time i have heard of “doctors” in texas murding some one under this law. There was a case of a woman that had a child that the “doctors” did not deam was worthing of saving and they murdered that child, against the mothers wishes.
I will make sure I do not buy things that are from TX to the best of my ability, right now I am not buynig things made by Kraft, and i try to avoid Kraft’s parent company and other compainies own by Phillip Moris. And I try to avoid products from China. So I will just at TX to my list.

My News sources

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Published on: December 22, 2005

Yesterday I vented some stuff part of the topic I vented on was where do I get my news from, and how I do not like people attack some of the places I get my news from. In that post I talked about Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News. But I will have to say that is not the only places I get news from. And I do know that the bulk of Rush’s show is his comments on the stories he covers, it more like the editorial section of a newspaper, not 100% news, but it based off of the news. But I think I do get an ok balance of news. If you go my news aggregator that I have online for my news reading I have other blogs and other not so conservative sites. Such as (for local news) WPXI and KDKA and (for international) BBC and Radio Sweden. Those 4 sources are liberal (well I view them as liberal) to different degrees (RS being the most ultra-liberal of the group and KDKA being the lest liberal of the group) and some blogs (Religious, friends and opinion) that I feel moderate things out. I believe when I go though it, I do get the actual facts (the union of where most of them meet, from Rush, the most conservative, to RS the most liberal) and then I can form my own opinion (usually more on the conservative side) I would love to have Rush “Stack of Stuff” aggregated there too, but he does not offer that at this time.
You can see a list of the sources here, with a list of the last few entries from them

Scanners meeting at the Kings at Water Works

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: December 21, 2005

Tonight, I had the pleasure of going the the meeting at Kings of the scanners in the Pittsburgh area at the Kings in Water Works. I got a few pictures, since this was the Christmas dinner meeting. It was fun, I am going to have to go to more of them, it was fun.

Just Venting

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Published on: December 21, 2005

Why the heck is it when ever some one asks what I am listening to and I respond Rush Limbaugh, I always get one of to response, in a voice that is more of a lecturing voice. The to responses I always get “Remember he is only for entertainment and has not facts” or “How can you listen to that Pot Head”. I am starting to get angry about it. I never response, because I don’t want to deal with it, since most of the time I am listing to him on my iPod at work. But for the first attack against Rush, the news he brings is more reliable then the New York Post, he does cover the news, then he gives his opinion on the news, and for the record I find I agree with him more often then not. To the second attack, 1) he was not doing pot, it was pain killers, that he was prescribed that he became dependent on. 2) He did seek treatment, also back in the 90’s when the big liberals were talking about the athletes that were really doing illegal drugs and they then to treatment they were called heroes, but when a similar thing happens with Rush he can not be believed he is a “pot head” 3) there is no evidence that he broke the law with the pain killers, heck the investigation has gone on for over 2 years in Florida and they have not brought charges, and they are just doing fishing expeditions to try to find something, the police department doing the investigation has been smacked down by the courts for breaking the laws in trying to find something to get, violating his privacy by illegally taking his medical records, trying to intimidate his doctors, etc.
Sorry but I just had to vent, and post this rant, I am free to listen who ever I want, and believe who ever I listen to if I want to, I am free to get my news from Rush, and even (gasp) Fox News. That is part of Free speech, you can say what every you want, I don’t have to listen to you, I can choice who I want to listen to. I am to the point that I am thinking the next time I am asked what I am listing to I will just either not answer or lie and just say I am listing to some currently unpopular music star, that why they might not ask to hear.
Also note any comments posted here that are attacks on me or Rush Limbaugh (or if I perceive them as attacks) they will be deleted, this is my web site I pay for it is my free speech and as I said I don’t have to listen to any one I don’t want to. My web site my speech. In fact I am not going to allow comments on this post (only) since this is a venting not really a post.

Finally some good news, the Anti-Christan Lawyer Union losses a case

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 21, 2005

PowerBall is running an article how the ACLU failed to push their agenda this time. The judge ruled that the 1st amendment does not create a wall of separation between church and state. Lets look at what the First amendment really says
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
From that the only part that is important is
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
I don’t see a wall there, I just see that the government can not institute a state religion, or say to someone they can not be a member of a particular religion. There is nothing about “separation of church and state” nothing about not allowed to mentioning anything remotely religious (see Dover pa) or anything about “freedom from religion” All I see there is Freedom of religion.
Aka you can be what ever Christian (Lutheran, Catholic, Easter Orthidox, Baptist, etc), Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist, Secular Humanist, Buddhist, Hindu, what ever, but you can not use the law to force some one from another faith out of the public square, or force them into hiding.
Christians have as much right be heard in the public square as any one else.

Sending Christmas cards to friend from on-line

Categories: Friends
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Published on: December 20, 2005

I am wondering what the correct protocal about sending a Christmas card to some one you know from the internet, and never have meet in real person. I know how to get the persons mailling address, but would it be more appopiate to send an on-line greatting instead? There is one person on line, that I am thinking I might want to send a card to, but I am not sure if it is right to or not. Or would I be better served to send him a “eCard” as they are called.

My finger makes it to a UK bb, but they stealing my bandwidth, and faild to give me credit for my picture

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Published on: December 20, 2005

I was looking at my web logs today, some one is stealing my bandwidth. I find that some one posted directly to an image that I took of my finger after I cut it in October. Check it out at http://threads.fuk.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=47543&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=45 But people viewing that site will know soon, since it is comming from my site when the bb loads up, I just put a bit of a notice in the picture that I own the picture, and where it came from.

The Statement that caused all the problems in PA

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 20, 2005

The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn about Darwin’s theory of evolution and eventually to take a standardized test of which evolution is a part.

Because Darwin’s Theory is a theory, it is still being tested as new evidence is discovered. The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory exist for which there is no evidence. A theory is defined as a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations.

Intelligent design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin’s view. The reference book, Of Pandas and People is available for students to see if they would like to explore this view in an effort to gain an understanding of what intelligent design actually involves.

As is true with any theory, students are encouraged to keep an open mind. The school leaves the discussion of the origins of life to individual students and their families. As a standards-driven district, class instruction focuses upon preparing students to achieve proficiency on standards-based assessments.

I wonder how this can be thought of “teaching” Intelligent design, in fact all it says is “keep an open mind” well I thought that was what Science was all about.
People on the left complain that religious people does not like their beliefs to be questioned, well the way the left is going it looks like evolution is their religion because they get all angry and sue when you question evolution.

Kids are not being taught to think for themselves in PA

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 21 Comments
Published on: December 20, 2005

Well it is a victory of narrow mindedness. A US court has ruled it is unconstitutional to mention that some one may not believe what is taught in schools. In this case it is evolution. All it was, was a two minute statement to the student that there are those out there that do not believe in evolution, that is only 2 minutes out of 1 day that is 7 hours long and there are 180 of those days. (that is 75600 minutes, or 2.6455026455026455026455026455026e-5% of the school year and for those of you that don’t know scientific notation that is .000026455026455026455026455026455026%)
I have seen some liberals say that people that don’t believe in evolution can never do well in any of the science fields. I will say that, that statement is wrong. I don’t believe in evolution. And I have a job that I like as a programmer at CMU. Correct me if I am wrong but is not computer programming considered to be in the science field?
Also going back to when I was in high school, I remember that in my 10 grade bio class when the subject came up, I just asked some questions about it, I did not even bring up ID. The teacher could not answer them. Ok no big deal but her “answer” was bad, and it was, “because I said so”. And the other students got on my case after class saying “she is right because she is the teacher”. To that I say, oh ya, just because some one is a paid teacher does not make them right, back in the Middle Ages I am sure there paid teachers that taught that the world was flat but they were not right just because they were the teacher.
Well these students will be not be prepaid to enter the world, were every one does not believe in the same thing, they are being taught now that every one has to believe the same thing (or so says the state) and those that don’t believe the same thing the state believes are to be discriminated against. What ever happened to the liberals “tolerance” for people that are differentiate.

Christmas cards

Categories: Family, Friends
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Published on: December 19, 2005

I sent out the balk of the Christmas cards for this year. I had 27 to send out. I will probably get the last 2 in the mail tomorrow. I am only 29 and I have 29 people to send cards to. Well I hope they get to their locations in time.

Hockey stuff

Categories: Church, Hockey, Technology
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Published on: December 19, 2005

A friend from church, have me a bunch of magazines he had, from the beginning of the hockey season this year called “The Hockey News” So I will have to look thought them later, I probably will do it starting on Friday, when my Christmas Vacation starts. Thanks Russ. Also he is going to try to get us tickets to a game in Feb. that should be fun. I have not been to a hockey game since 93, so I am looking forward to it. Also my pastor was asking me if I could donate some of my vacation time to work on the churches computer, to this agreed, I really need to get some work done with the ones we have, there is some work that needs to be done on them, also I think I should go around the church and map out our network, it as grown faster then I expected, and I am not sure of the topology of it anymore.

Computer problems

Categories: Technology
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Published on: December 18, 2005

Today, I had something very odd happen to my Mac. I could not login to the system at all, I would login and it would just drop me at the screen with nothing on it. I looked around to what net to see what was wrong with. I could not find anything wrong with it. I could not find anything on the net, so I ended up just creating a new account. When it is setup I am going to try to copy all the files back over to my old account, and see if that fixes it. That way I can keep the admin rights. I have copied the files for iPhotos, and iTunes and other programs over, and it seems to be working for now.
The only thing I think I lost was my iTunes playlists, but those are not important I can rebuild them.

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