Pittburgh’s Irish Festival is this weekend

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Published on: September 5, 2006

Pittsburgh’s Irish Festival is this weekend. I am looking forward to it.I am probably going to go down to it this Sunday after Church.

Should I put up a music section to my web site

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Published on: September 3, 2006

I have posted a few mp3’s I have recorded of my playing my tin whistle, and chances are high that I probably will be posting more mp3 of myself playing. The question now is should I just keep putting links to the new mp3’s on my blog or should I put up some more php software for a music section to my website.

Ode to Joy (well atlest my attempt at it)

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Published on: September 1, 2006

I am not very good at the tin whistle yet, but I keep plugging away at it, and with that said here is an attempt by me to play the tune for Ode to Joy (music lovers you might not want to hear this 😉 ). I still need to practice but, I think maybe I am getting to the point that if some one hears that mp3 of my playing they will not say what the heck was that, but will know the tune as “Ode to Joy”.

Ode to Joy

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: August 30, 2006

Some one asked me to do more posts on the Tin Whistle, so here. I have been playing around with playing Ode to Joy. I think I am doing well, but I am having problems with measure 10 and 11 with the 2 1/8 notes followed by a 1/4 note, and proceeded by a 1/4 note.. My fingers have a bit of a problem with it now, I just need to practice it more, the notes are A(1/4)-B(1/8)-C(1/8)-B(1/4). I do believe I am getting a bit better at 1/8 notes, but the dance my fingers have to do on the 10 & 11 measure of the tune is something I have to work at more.

My review of the hymn section of the new LCMS hymnal

Categories: Church, Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 29, 2006

Well here is the review of the hymn section of the new LCMS hymnal (LSB) This is coming from a average church member and tin whistle player. This part of my review of the new hymnal is where I will be the most kind to the new hymnal
First they did change some of the tunes for some of the hymns. There are 2 hymns that I like that they changed the key to so I can not play them from out of the new LSB, But there was one I saw that I like the hymn but could not play before, but they changed the tune to it and I can now play it (I just need a lot of practice) That hymn is “Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted”. One problem i have is there are a few (very few to be honest) of the hymns that don’t have any music with them, I am not sure as why, and what one should do with them.
Here is some bad about the hymnal section, some of the new tunes are very complicated, I am now sure how an average church goer that has never had any voice lessons (about 99.9% of most churches)
I will give the hymnal this one thing, while going though it and messing around the tunes that were in the key of F and D I played one from the hymnal and while playing it I recognized the tune as the tune for Ode to Joy. That for me is very exciting that I got to play Ode to Joy, I need a lot of practice but I got to play it, and if I practice it more. I can not believe that I played Ode to Joy!!!! (maybe at the end of the week after I get more practice I will unleash my rendition of Ode to Joy on the internet in MP3 format)

My finally option about the new hymnal, the liturgical section of the new hymnal is just horrible, I would never want to use it in a real service, nor will I be using it for vespers here at my home, for vespers here at my home I will continue to use TLH. The hymn section is good, but a hymnal is more then just the hymn section and the problems with the liturgical section of the new LSB far out weigh the nice stuff in the hymn section.

Public Rebuke of Public Sin

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Published on: August 28, 2006

The LCMS recently put out a document called “Public Rebuke of Public Sin” in which they say that people in the synod should not publicly talk about it (chat rooms, email, message boards, and blogs). I wonder what the LCMS would say about a monk in Wittenberg, that is speaking against a public sin in the church, and posts up 95 points about it in a public place, oh I don’t lets say a church door.
I would say if there is public sin in the church (read Benke) and it sends the wrong message, then we need to deal with it, and if it is done publicly then it must be dealt with publicly.
I will admit not all situation will be the same, there could be some public sins that should be dealt with in private, but we can not just put a blanket statement out there saying you are not to talk about public sins publicly.

Sorry about the extream lack of posts

Categories: Blog Stuff
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 28, 2006

Some of my friends have made a comment about the lack of posts here as of late, for this I am sorry I just have been busy as of late. I will try to post more often but life does have a way of getting in the way at times.

More messing around on the Tin Whistle

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Published on: August 23, 2006

Well I was messing around with my Tin Whistle tonight and going though my hymnal (The Lutheran Hymnal) and I ran across the tune Coronae (if you click here you can hear my play it, not well but) I will admit I really like the tune, I am not sure about the text of the hymn that it is set to. The text of the hymn is “Look, Ye Saints, the sight is Glorious” And for those of you that want to hear what it should really sound like here is a midi file I will admit I think I am close, but I am probably bias.

Coronae (if you click here you can hear my play it, not well but)

Addendum to my review of the New Lutheran Service Book

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Published on: August 13, 2006

This is not the second review I promised of the hymn section, this is something I should have put in the first review, but did not find till today. It would be filed under the section of Bad:

One section that they omitted from LSB, was the section with the Propers. In TLH it was labeled “Introits, Collects, and Graduals for the Church Year’ And by the title they had in TLH you can tell what was contained in the section. In LW it was labeled “Propers of the Day” This puts the hymnal in the situation that now you need a second book to go with it during the service to know what to say, since each sunday in the church year has a different set of Propers that go with it. This might get put under the ugly section, but it could be rectified with a second book to use during the service, so it only gets a mark of bad.

Again I will at a later time do a small review of the hymn section of LSB.

The Pictures from today are up

Categories: Biking, WPLUG
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Published on: August 12, 2006

The Pictures from today’s bike ride are up

Today’s WPLUG Open Source Picnic

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Published on: August 12, 2006

Today WPLUG had it’s 5 annual picnic. Also today I biked up to it for the second year in a row I biked up to it. This year I got some one else to go with me. I am really happy with how well I did on the ride today, we went up 18th street, and this time around I only had to stop once for a rest, last year it was 4 times, and earlier this year it was 3 times, I am now down to one stop maybe next year I might not have to stop. I will post pictures soon

The new Lutheran Hymnal is out here is my review of it

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 10, 2006

Well the new Lutheran hymnal for the LCMS came out this month, and I got my copy back on Tuesday, so I thought I would post a review of it, for others who might have an interested in it. These only represent my own option and no one else’s. I would have posted a review sooner but, I have been busy with a lot of stuff. But this is now the 4th hymnal that I own, I have an older Lutheran hymnal from 1921, I have TLH which was put out in 1941, LW which was put out in 1982, and now LSB put out this year (2006). For those of you that are not Lutheran and don’t recognize the Abbreviations I am using here they are:
TLH — The Lutheran Hymnal
LW — Lutheran Worship
LSB — Lutheran Service Book

The Good:

Prays in the front cover for use during worship. But they could have included some prayers for home use also. But over TLH and LW, this is a mild improvement.
Opening up the back cover you find the “Nicene Creed” the “Apostles’ Creed” and 2 versions of the Lord’s Prayer. The good classical one that most people know, and one with updated language. Could be improved, if they removed the newer updated language one, and included something else.
They have included book marks in the hymnal, this could be useful to those that would want to own their own hymnal, and take it to church with them.

The Ugly:
Here is the ugly stuff of the new hymnal; I would say that the ugly stuff here far far out weighs the good stuff above. They have taken page 15 from TLH. No taking page 15 from TLH is not bad, in fact if they left it alone it would have been good, very good. The updated some of the language to the modern English, this is bad, what is wrong with the old Victorian language? It not like that is the only version of the Divine service in the book there are 4 others, so what would have been wrong with leaving the whole of page 15 alone. They claim that they updated the language to make it friendlier to new people. To that I say hogwash, they updated some of the language, and left others unupdated, and it not update this word and leave that word alone. The updated only the spoken parts and left the sung parts unupdated. Remember not all congregations sing parts of the liturgy, so in some parts you say “you” and others you say (or sing) “thee”. I would think that would be more confusing to people then just leaving the whole liturgy untouched. With the changed page 15 they can not even hope to have their dreams filled, and that dream is to have all churches in the synod convert over to the new one, I am sure there are going to be churches that will stay with TLH for the unmodified page 15. If they can take LW’s liturgies and move them over with out changing them, why not TLH page 15. What they will find is that there will now be churches all over the board now, some with TLH, some with LW, and some with LSB.

Things they kept from TLH that were not in LW:

One thing that they brought back from TLH that was not in LW was the meter index. This allowed people to swap tunes and words around by finding other hymns with the same meter. They also brought back the Biblical reference for the hymns. Also they brought back the list of dates for Easter, TLH’s list ended around 2000 and LSB’s new list ends in 2050.

All in all the new hymnal is not as much as a disaster as LW, but it still is no TLH. It might be fine for home worship usage, but I would not use it in a church. Also the name leaves it open for some jokes for Lutheran Ham radio operators. At first when I saw the abbreviation LSB my first thought was Lower Side Band, so the other one for Lower Side Band is Upper Side Band or USB, so would that be the unitarian service book 😉 I know a bad joke but still. Also they put a small joke in the hymnal. You know how some Christians seem to have a phobia over the number 666. Well for hymn number 666 in this hymnal the hymn that they put there is “O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe” so there you go a small joke placed in the new hymnal.

Finally it may not be a bad hymnal, but at the same time I would not say it is a good hymnal it might have its good points but its failings are large enough to out weight the good points of it.

I will probably add another review of it of the hymn section later, and the other parts, but for now this was a look at the ligurgical section.


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Published on: August 2, 2006

A while back I joined a group at work called Toastmasters. I joined because public speaking unnerves me, and the group is one that helps people develop public speaking skills. Today I gave my second speech, I gave a talk on the biking laws in PA. It was received well. I am going to start looking to work on my 3rd speech.

Congrates to Matt and Erica

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Published on: July 29, 2006

I wish to send out my congratulations to my friends Matt Wilson, and Erica as they were joined in Christian Marriage today.

Floyd Landis wins the Tour de France

Categories: Biking, News
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 23, 2006

Well not only does the US keep the yellow jersey, Pennsylvania own Floyd Landis wins, from what I under stand he is from Landcaster PA. PA rules. The Tour this year was really exciting, and very close.

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