Due to the excise spam (over 1000 a day) I have disabled the trackback here. My site is not a place for people to try to advertise their porn sites, so I have removed trackbacks from this site until further notice. I know I will have 1000’s of 404’s in my error log, but I[…]
On my news page to default to the news aggregator as the main front page now. This is how I had hope to get this going from the first day that I installed the software.
As some one pointed out that the html was not always putting the picturs where I wanted them on the screen of my main page at http://www.mikeoconnor.net so I have put the text for it and the picture inside of a table. I am hoping that it will render the page more like what I[…]
It does not look like the hosting company I use will let me point www.mikeoconnor.net to a subdir (~/html/www) like I want to. I really wanted to break all the other sites off from the www.mikeoconnor.net site, so that people could not access the other sites I host here by just adding /{dir name of[…]
I have made the final DNS change now when you type in http://www.mikeoconnor.net it will load the http://web.mikeoconnor.net As soon as the DNS infomation gets out to all the DNS servers out there it should start showing up on peoples computer, when they type in the address.
I have noticed that Google has seen the new address for my blog http://blog.mikeoconnor.net and it has indexed 2 pages from the new address already. I am sure after about a week it should have discovered all the pages are now at the new address, and I hope that they flush out the old links.
Tomorrow morning at around 1am or 2am (local) will we finalizing the new address space for the web site. No longer will the blog be accessible via the http://www.mikeoconnor.net it will only be accessible via http://blog.mikeoconnor.net http://www.mikeoconnor.net will be it own namespace starting tomorrow at about 1am or 2am, So any one that might have[…]
I really need to update the links section of my website. I need to find a better web application to do that section also, I don’t really like the software that I am using for it much. Does any one know of any good web software for links?
Take a look at the new home page and hit the back button to get here to let me know what you think of it. I know it is not much, but I think it looks good, but of course I am not an artistic person so I don’t know. So some feed back on[…]
Well the new home page is done, it will site in the root of my space for a while, then I will create a location in the directory tree for it, to site by itself, and point the server to it, that probably will break any site that points to http://www.mikeoconnor.net/blog or anything like that,[…]
When the www.mikeoconnor.net is changed over I will be cleanning up the directories of the site, and after a few days after the change over you will not be able to access the blog via the www.mikeoconnor.net/blog address as that address will not exist, target date will be around September 30 of this year. This[…]
I have added a “News aggregator” And over time I will be move all the RSS feeds I read from the RSS readers on my computers to the web based system, so I can have access to it anywhere. Also I am making it available to every one on the net since these are things[…]
I will be remapping my web site. You will see the following changes to the address for my web site. http://blog.mikeoconnor.net – This blog http://rpg.mikeoconnor.net – The WiKi for the rpg game some of my friends and I are playing http://news.mikeoconnor.net – A news aggregator of the rss feeds I read http://www.mikeoconnor.net – A new[…]
Before I wrote the domains off I emailed my registrar and I just got a message back that they had the problem fixed, so I have those domains for another year. I don’t think I am going to do with them what I was going to do with them before, I will have to think[…]
Well today I found out that one of my domains I owned expired a while back, I never got notice of this, I never got a renewal notice for that domain either. Another one I have expires today, I can not for the life of me figure out how to renew domains with my registrar.[…]