I have to edit some files on my winblows box across network on a Linux box; well winblows will not let me write to the files from Linux, I have set the windows to share and the promotions to allow users to change files over the network. I mounted the winblows share on a Linux[…]
Right now I am toying with the idea of putting on my site a fish cam (web cam pointed into my fish tank). I am testing it right now, I want to see if it is posable, and how much bandwidth it will need to do this. Click the read more link to see the[…]
Boy, am I glad I had the Home Dir of my Mac box backed up onto my Linux box. After trying that thing I found to try to get the iTunes working again, it toasted my Mac’s file system. I was able to get most of my data back from the back up. For some[…]
I got in my email today a copy of a story about a lawsuit filed against verizon (I will not be posting it here, if you look around it was posted on the wall street journal and titled “Cellphone Users Sue, Saying Carrier Cut Phone’s Features” and was writen by CHRISTOPHER RHOADS) But what I[…]
I was looking for more information on how to get my iPod to work with the new update of iTunes. At one of the online discussion forums it said to reapply the 10.3.7 OS patch, well, I found out that that was not a good idea, it toasted the file system, so right now I[…]
Well I downgraded the iTunes to 4.7 but what ever the update did, it really borked the system. I ended up blasting my iBook (I had nothing on the iBook everything was on the eMac) resetting up the iBook. Downloaded all of my mp3’s to the iBook (the mp3’s use about 50% of the hard[…]
I just downloaded it today, and wow the problems. When ever I would plug in the iPod to the coputer it would freeze up iTunes and freeze up the OS. I will have to say this is the first time I have seen a Mac freeze. Right now I am working on going back to[…]
Over the time that I have had this computer network going in my place, I have put more and more of a load on my Linux box. Today I have just added my Mac box’s home directory to my Linux box and have it shared to the Mac via NFS. So now the Linux box[…]
Tonight I tried to take some pictures of my aquarium but I could not get any good lighting for it. I have the normal light for the tank, then I put around it 2 of my lamps and that still was not enough light, the camera was saying it needed 1/8 of a second for[…]
I would like to have access to my iTunes music Library at work. I make it a point to buy my music on my home computer, but then I have to go though all the problem of uploading and manually syncing the 2 libraries. I understand why Apple has disabled the internet sharing, because there[…]
I have notices most video games, well at lest the games I have looked at, are now quest based games. Have the old, 2d scrolling games gone out of fashion? I am not saying the new games are bad, but some times I do miss the older type games. I do have some of the[…]
Well things are all setup up here. I got the cable modem installed and the wires ran where I want to lay so that they are out of the way. The cable install guy just left them in the middle of the main room of the apartment. I got 2 50″ cables, it turns out[…]
Well verizon still has not gotten my DSL connect it been 23 days now, well over the 2 weeks promised. So I decided to call Comcast (the local cable company) and see how much it would be to get cable internet. They said that they could have it in tomorrow, and that they have a[…]
So I called in. I got connected to some one, that then talked to some one in “engineering” (what ever that means) But I was told that I should have my DSL service up and running on Tuesday. Let’s see if Verizon can keep this date. Right now I am doing a evil thing, I[…]
Well it is the 17th and I still have not had my DSL since the 29. I just called tech support today again, and the poor tech was getting confused by what the computer was telling here. It was saying 3 things that were not in agreement, on was saying it was complete and active,[…]