Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Misc (no other place to put this stuff)


A internet friend of mine, simdan has a post on nick names. So I think I will post a post on same thing. So here are nick names or handels I have been known by Computer related ones mpost4 mpo mpop PrgLnx mpoas Ones in real life CrazyMike kb3hcg There they are, not many in[…]

The Stitches came

I got the stitches out today, I can now type again without the finger getting in the way. It took a little time for me to get use to bending the finger again since it was kept straight for about 10 days.

The Stitches come out today

Finally the stitches come out today, I have a doctors appointment for 3pm today and the stitches should come out then. I can not want till they are out and I can type at my normal speed, having the lose of a finger for me is a pain. My typing speed is way down, and[…]

This finger is getting annoying

My finger that I cut is starting to get very annoying. First it is preventing me from typing well. It is now itching and at some times it burns. Also I have been overly tired, and all I can think of is that it is the finger still healing. I slept allot yesterday, and I[…]

The Cut Finger

I just changed the dressing on my finger today. I decided to take a picture of the stitches in my finger. [pic]1[/pic]. Not pretty is it? I just made an appointment with my doctor to have them removed on the 11th of this month.

Picture of the finger

Here is a picture of my finger in its bandages. Under those bandages there are 3 stiches in my finger. Right now they are a bit irritating.

It is good to be home

I got home at about 4 today, and it is good to be home. I always love comming home to Pittsburgh, the only city that that make an entry.

Some thoughts on some TV shows

First I just want to put out a plug for a new show on the WB that I found and like it is called “supernatural” it is a good show Next I want to make a few comments on episode of “Start Gate SG1” in the episode that I want to comment on the basic[…]

Updating my address in the last 2 places I have not updated it since I moved last year.

It took me long enough but I finally updated my address for my Driver’s License. I had not though about it, since my old car died in October, and I ditched it in April, and I have been living car free since then. I decided to fix up my address on my drivers license since[…]

Fun with pictures

A few weeks ago I was talking with some people on a fish forum about how one of my fish sleeps. It is a Betta and he has a habit of sleeping vertically. One of the people on the forum ask if I could take a picture of him sleeping. Well since I did need[…]

Tropical Storm Nate is here

We now have Tropical Storm Nate in the Atlantic. So far we only had one major storm this year. Lets hope that we only have 1 major storm. I don’t think Nate will be a major storm, I don’t even think Nate will make it to a Hurricane either. There is a possible Tropical Storm[…]

New Orleans flooding.

With New Orleans flooding right now, and not all the pumps working, they know they will not be able to keep up with the water that is rushing in to the city. Well I have been thinking about it, and have come up with a VERY controversial idea for how to handle the problem. Here[…]

The location of my Mac computer

I am thinking it would be nice to have a small desk just for my Mac. I would like to put it opposite of my other computers in my technology section of my apartment. I might have to move some things around in my apartment if I get a new table for the place for[…]

A good read

See unspace for a very very good read, I love the second one of the 2 thought experiments. The one called “The Yesterday Experiment.” Now I wish you ask my few readers that same question but I will just quote it insteade of using my own words. If I told you that an extremely powerful[…]

Working out

I been biking allot but ignoring the rest of my body so I am thinking I am going to try to go down to the gym 3 times a week if I can and do some upper body work. Let’s see how this works out. I also have been using the exercise equipment my mother[…]

March 2025
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