Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Misc (no other place to put this stuff)

Oh Wow

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Published on: January 21, 2005

I got invited on a ski trip so I though I would go on it. So I started to look for the stuff I payed for last year when I went snowboarding, that I will never do again. But I could not find any matching gloves, at first. While looking for the second to just[…]

Holy Molly

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Published on: January 15, 2005

I just watched the football game and it was intense. All came down to 3 kicks, I am glad the jets missed the first 2 and that the stiller got the 3rd. while watching it I was on the phone with my friend in Findly Ohio, she said she love close games like that one[…]

Happy New Year

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Published on: January 1, 2005

Happy New Year all!!!!

Pictures of the move in.

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Published on: December 22, 2004

I did not take many but I did take some pictures of the day I moved in. You can see the mess that this place was in before I started to put things where they belonged. I also got a good picture of one of the stain glass windows of my church that night. These[…]


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Published on: December 13, 2004

Well according to Verizon’s web site, I should have my DSL tomorrow after 6pm. I kind of wish it was on today, I was a home since I felt awful today, I don’t know what I have, but I have had it for about 16 days, that is assuming it is the same thing, I[…]


Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: December 8, 2004

Were does time go? I never seem to have all the time I would like to have. Today I ran out of time again. I did not get everything I would like to have gotten done after work done. Well tomorrow is another day to see if I can get everything I would like to[…]

Had a few friends over

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Published on: December 4, 2004

I had a few friends from my church over to my new place tonight. Well first they were at the church for the First Fridays at First Trinity. Well after wards I invited them over to my place for some hot apple cider. It was nice, I got 7 adults (along with me) into my[…]

Had to read a paper that was not worth the paper it was printed on

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Published on: November 29, 2004

Today I had to read a paper that was not worth the paper it was printed on. The person that wrote it loved to put equations in it. The paper was so full of equation, it seamed that was the only reason that that paper was written. It was a pain to read, and where[…]

Land of Plenty

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Published on: November 19, 2004

Since I am moving in a few days, I have started to pack up the food that I will not be using in the next week. And I realized we do truly do live in the land of plenty. I filled 2 boxes of dry goods, and still have some more dry goods left to[…]

I am going to try to quit slashdot again.

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: November 17, 2004

I am going to try to quit slashdot again, this time I gave a friend of mine my ID and password and asked him the change my login info so I can not log in. I hope that I can get off of slashdot this time. Things there have just gotten so childish that it[…]


Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 9, 2004

Well tonight I went with a couple of my friends to Dave and Busters, because it is my 28th birthday. I would like to say that we had fun, but since I know the games there, there was not challenge at the games for me, and I know what it is like to loss at[…]

503 Service Unavailable

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Published on: November 4, 2004

Slashdot must have put new code up. I have been getting 503’s this morning over at Slashdot. The only website that is popular that does not test out their code befor putting it live.

The boxes continue to attack

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Published on: October 23, 2004

I keep moving boxes out of my place, boxes full of stuff. I did not realize I had so much stuff. Looking at the apartment I still don’t know where I kept it all. I have found some off site storage till moving day. And I have almost filled up that place with boxes and[…]


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Published on: October 23, 2004

Milk does not last long in my place, I just bought a 1/2 gallon yesterday, and well I finished it off today. And I want some milk right now. maybe I should buy by the gallon instead of 1/2 gallons.

This is a pain

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Published on: October 22, 2004

Right now some one decided that they did not want to talk on their cell phone in the office, so now they are in the hall, and talking very loudly, I don’t care about the car trouble that the person that they are talking to is having. I will people would have more courtesy when[…]

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