Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Hockey

The new Hockey season comming up

Categories: Hockey, Politics
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Published on: September 13, 2006

Well last year they changed the rules to hockey, and I really hate the new rules. Also the penguins might be getting profits from the slots when they come, and I don’t think I can really do business with a company (and make no mistake about it sport teams are companies) that profits from something[…]

Penguins Season Tickets next year?

Categories: Hockey, Politics
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Published on: March 8, 2006

I will admit I am tempted to buy a 6 or 12 pack season pass next year, in the C or D section of the arena, I would like to not be on the end zones. There is just one thing holding me back at this point from saying I will. The slots, if the[…]

The pictures are up from the Pens game.

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: March 7, 2006

You can see the pictures from the game here I also got a picture of the first score that the Pens made Here is the picture of the loading of the “gun” and then this is just as the score was made and we start to get to our feet. The next picture was since[…]

Tonights Hockey game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: March 7, 2006

Oh man tonight’s game was bad, not the players, but the officials. I am not going to say if we had better officials that it would have changed the out come, but the officials we had were just bad. Come on it is known that if a stick hits another player in the FACE it[…]

Tonight’s Hockey Game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: March 7, 2006

Well I am going to be going to tonight’s hockey game. The Pens vs Tampa Bay looking at the numbers, I don’t think the Pens will win, but hay you never know, they could pull something out of thin air. So “HERE WE GO PENS”. I will post pictures after I get home from the[…]

The Olympic Hockey

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 15, 2006

I is nice to see that the Olympics does not have that stupid trapazoid behind the goalie net. I want to know what drunk thought up that for the NHL. I really wish the NHL would get ride of the new rules, they have really hurt the game of hockey. I will admit I miss[…]

DVR’s are great, and hockey stuff

Categories: Hockey, Technology
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Published on: February 15, 2006

I would have to say that DVR’s are great things to have. I wanted to watch the hockey games of the Olympic, but since they are on during the time that most people are at work, how can one watch them. Well I have setup the DVR to grab them for me (except for the[…]

Hockey/Olympic warning

Categories: Blog Stuff, Hockey, Web Site
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Published on: February 13, 2006

I am going to try to watch as many of the Hockey games for the Olympic as I can, and I will probably blog about them. I am hoping that the US wins both the Women’s and Men’s ones. You will see at first a lot about the Woman’s hockey team since the Men are[…]

Canada vs. Russia woman’s Hockey:Olympic

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 13, 2006

I am right now watching the Canada vs. Russia woman’s hockey game. I will have to say, I like how the Canadian’s play, they are aggressive and willing to attack the other team. They keep on getting penalties. In the second period one of the Canadians got a penalty, when she sat down in the[…]

The US woman’s hockey game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 13, 2006

Well I just finished watching the US woman’s hockey game where they 5-0’ed the German team. Not a half bad game. The one thing I was disapointed in was I did not see any fights, I love fights in my hockey games, but it was still a good game. Next game for them is against[…]

US vs Germany: Woman’s Hockey

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 12, 2006

Right now I am watching the US woman’s hockey team play against Germany. I am right now in the 2nd period. I will have to say it not like watching the NHL, but it is still a good game to watch. It is nice that during the periods there are no comercials.

Holy Moly: 6 – 3

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 12, 2006

This has got to hurt the Washington Capitals. Wow what a way to end this part of the time, I am going to miss hockey for the next few weeks, unless i figure out how to get the Olympic Hockey games. If you are in the Pittsburgh Area, could you let me know what station[…]

The Hockey game today

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 11, 2006

Right now I am watching the Hockey game, I recorded it on my DVR so I am watching it late. I am still in the first half of the first period, and wow, there was a great fight. I lasted though a drop puck. I am watching the game right now as I type this[…]

Comment to the people that do pghcast

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Published on: February 8, 2006

For those of you that know about it There is a podcast called pghcast that covers topics of interst for the Pittsburgh regions. Well on Monday they did a show on the Super Bowl win (well no shocker there) but they said that they would cover the Pens next week. So I thought I would[…]

Pens vs Senators

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 2, 2006

OUCH!!! First that is what I have to say about the game OUCH!!!!! I was at the game tonight, you can see the pictures I took tonight here. The Pens start out strong and end the first period 2 to 0. In the second Ottawa gets a penalty, and is short handed, this is where[…]

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