I don’t think I will fully understand anntennas. A friend gave me a J-Pole for 2 meter ham band, does very well only 1.2 SWR on, it. for fun I tried to do a 70cm transmition on it. I figured I would do it for less then a second thinking that the SWR would be[…]
On the weekend of the 24 and 25 of July I helped out in the PVGP again as a ham radio operator. I have a few pictures you can see them at http://photos.mikeoconnor.net/thumbnails.php?album=55 (also for the record I did not take these pictures, one of the flag operators took them for me, I am having[…]
http://photos.mikeoconnor.net/thumbnails.php?album=54 enjoy.
Well I needed a new Battery for my VX-5. I went into a Batteries+ plus store and find that they are now $104, to much if you ask me. So I decided to be cheap… I built a new Battery see the pics below As you can see from the radio display it is getting[…]
I just got back from the Pittsburgh Vantage Grand Prix. I was working as a ham with the other hams to do the communication for the race. I was working at turn 5 there. I will also be working on it tomorrow, I will be going in late since I do have church in the[…]
If you are a Ham Radio Operator, you know that last weekend was field day. I went to W3KWH’s field day. It was interesting, and a bit fun. I did some on SWL also, and did a little bit of contacting some people. You can see my pictures I took at my photo section of[…]
Next weekend is the Eastern District (of the LCMS) is having their confernce. I will be there, I will post from there a few posts. One thing I know they will be covering is the new hynmal. I am not really looking forward to that, I know that I and a few others in my[…]
Well tonight I finally got around to going to a SkyWarn class, so in a few months I should have a SkyWarn number. I have been doing the SkyWarn nets on the ham radio for a couple of years now, so it is about time I finally got to one of the SkyWarn classes. It[…]
Qrz is reporting that we might see a massive spike in sun spot activity. I don’t know much about how this will affect people into astronomy. But I do know that this will affect RF on earth. It will not help me on the Ham radio band since I do not work on the bands[…]
Well I got to help out with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade today. I also took my camera, and when there was a moment that I could snap pictures I did so, I got some pictures of people, that some in the Pittsburgh region might recognize. You can see the pictures here on my photo[…]
I had a great time last night listening to the Short Wave radio. I will admit I stayed up way longer then I should have. At about 1am this morning I started to pick up The Voice of America for Africa. It is always fun to tune around the Short Wave bands to see what[…]
Well as I said in the post “Watch out for the fire storm in Ham radio to start” Well over at QRZ the fire storm did really start around page 10 it is starting to get really funny, there is major hate going on. There is one guy there that when ever someone posts a[…]
QRZ is running store on how the FCC is highly likely to drop the CW tests for entry into the HF bands of Armature Radio I will say watch out for the Holy Wars on CW to start, I am thinking I might not want to go on the air for a while; it is[…]
I got sick today, I am not sure what I think maybe it was something I ate. Well I spaced out on the scanner net, so I did not record it. I am sorry about that, and apologize for the inconvence I have caused any one.
Tonight, I had the pleasure of going the the meeting at Kings of the scanners in the Pittsburgh area at the Kings in Water Works. I got a few pictures, since this was the Christmas dinner meeting. It was fun, I am going to have to go to more of them, it was fun.