As the temperatures are going down I don’t think I want to wear shorts in the morning. So I put on my jeans, but that was a big mistake I did not know it really till the ride home, but since there was no room in the leg, the bike ride home was not comfortable,[…]
I have removed some photos from my photo section in preparation for new pictures, I will be posting pictures from the Ohio LInuxfest this year. Also for pictures from this years up coming Pittsburgh Area Reformation Celebration (October 29, 2006 at 3:00pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sharpsburg)
Today I was looking in the Caliban book store on Craig St. I was looking though the religion section and I find the book “Martin Luther’s Basic Theological writings” for only $12. What a sweet deal.
Well this weekend has been a bit tedious. On Saturday WPLUG had our nomination meeting, and for the first time in a year we finally had a quorum, so we had a year of business for the members to have to deal with. It was no fun. Well today my churches monthly operating board meeting[…]
I wish to pose a question. This question came from a response to this post titled “A simple ethics question” The person posed this statement “shouldn’t this be more strongly equated with organ donation from a dead adult without their concent (but obviously from their family) in order to save the lives of living people[…]
Due to spam, newer posts on my web site, will only allow comments for 1 week instead of the prior 90 days. This is an attempt to control the large amount of spam I get on this blog.
Well last year they changed the rules to hockey, and I really hate the new rules. Also the penguins might be getting profits from the slots when they come, and I don’t think I can really do business with a company (and make no mistake about it sport teams are companies) that profits from something[…]
One of the episodes of South Park I got from the apple store is “Cartoon Wars Part 2” I can not believe that Comedy Central even blacked the image of mohammed on the for sell versions. They must really believe that the moslems are a major danger to them. I still say it is very[…]
I just got 6 South Park episodes from the apple music store, about 200MB each. 1.2GB in one night. But they are some of the better shows (also some of the more controversial ones from this season also.) from South Park, I had the record on my DVR, but it might be nice to have[…]
I just got the new iTunes from the software from the software update, I think some of the new additions look nice, I like the feature where it will get the artwork for the mp3’s I have that were not purchased via the iTunes music store. I have ripped many CD’s to my iTunes collection[…]
I had to take my old iPod 2Gb Nano down to the apple store because the buttons where not working. If you tried to use the click wheel it would not respond. If I pressed any of the other buttons they would not respond. The only thing that would work is if I pressed the[…]
Here is yet another song I have played on my Tin Whistle. Stricken Smitten and Afflicted. enjoy >:-D I have been working on this one, it has a lot of 1/8 notes, so I don’t think it really is going to sound too good, but I hope to use this tune to get myself comfortable[…]
I went to the Pittsburgh Irish Festival today, I meet up with my Mother, Sister and her husband. My mother got me a T-Shirt with the following text on it “Pasta & Potatoes Italian and Irish” I just love the shirt. (My mother is 50% Italian, and as my mother tells me that the 25%[…]
Well as of Friday (Sep 8) I went past 900 miles on my way to the goal of 1000 miles biked this year. I am wondering something when I hit the 1K mark should I just put “1000 miles goal reached” or should I just keep accumulating the numbers over 1000.
I am probably going to put up a separate section for my music that I have recorded of my playing my Tin Whistle. I just have to find a good php web app to put up to manage it. Yes I am lazy and don’t want to have to write a web page for it[…]