I been thinking a bit about social media, this includes Blogs, MicroBlogs (twitter) and social networks (facebook). They can be great tools, but also great ways to embarrass your self fast. I have a blog and an account with both facebook and twitter. I like my blog and facebook, I do use them differently. I[…]
http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2385395,00.asp I am no Apple fan boy, far from it. But this seems to me to be SCO vs Linux round 2 (for those of you who don’t know what I am talking about check out this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCO_v._IBM basically it is a failed companies last ditch effort to make money) This case is as[…]
If you don’t have a plate or placard you do not belong in a handicapped spot. It does not matter if “you are only going to be a minute” or “there are no other open spots” or “you are just dropping off your kids” you are a stain on the face of the earth, you[…]
Since the Addon Akismet is dong a great job of filtering out all the spam, I am going to open up older posts to comments, still if a comment is not caught by Akismet it still needs to be moderated. But since I don’t have to do as much moderation with Akismet getting all the[…]
I hope every one that reads my site likes it. Just a new theam added to manage our it looks. I personally like it much better then the old view.
Just got a call from this number, when I answered the red flags went off so fast it was not funny. Claimed to be from Sprint Accounts, claiming my account (which I don’t have one) was flagged and to enter my security pin. Well I hung up. At that point I called my Cell phone[…]
I thought instead of just posting these to my Facebook page, I would post them here for the world to see I got a new synthesizer on Friday, I played with it all weekend and this is the stuff I came up with over the weekend. Mind you I was messing around and very rusty[…]
I just downloaded the Android SDK and did the hello world example, one thing I don’t think I am going to like is that the UI is done in XML, I have to look to see if I can find a “visual editor” for the Android UI desine, I am not a major fan of[…]
Well tonight I got to really put my new phone though some usage. Went to meet some people (a friend of mines friends) in DC well when I finally get a parking space I set it GPS location in a program on the android phone called parkdoid. Then grabbing the exact address off of the[…]
I am always behind on my Podcasts. I have a 2.8 day queue left (if I was to listen straight) the PodCasts I listen to are Issues Etc (www.issuesetc.org) Fighting for the Faith (http://www.fightingforthefaith.com/) Irish and Celtic Music ( http://celticmusicpodcast.com/) Pub Song Podcast (http://pubsong.com/) Armature Radio Newsline (http://n5pre.podomatic.com/) Bill O’Reilly Rush Limbaugh and I am[…]
I just got a new cell phone(on Friday), it is an android cell phone (a Motorola cliq). I have played with it a bit (not as much today as I feel a bit sick). The reason I picked a android is because it is java basid and as I do java programming now it is[…]
Well I am finnaly getting my quad core box setup for Linux. I originaly got this box back in Oct to play world of warcraft on, but since I quit playing (about 2 and a half months ago) the power of this box is being wasted, so I am moving it over to linux. I[…]
I don’t think I will fully understand anntennas. A friend gave me a J-Pole for 2 meter ham band, does very well only 1.2 SWR on, it. for fun I tried to do a 70cm transmition on it. I figured I would do it for less then a second thinking that the SWR would be[…]
Today I was a bit busy. After church I did not get home till late since they were doing construction on 66 (I have to go up to Alexandria for church as there are, to my knowledge any good confessional/liturgical churches in SoMD) So I decided on the way home to stop for some food[…]