Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : July 2007

I got to meet Todd Wilken of Issues Etc

Categories: Church
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Published on: July 23, 2007

My favorit Talk show is Issues Etc, and when I was in Huston I got to meet the host of the show I also did get Todd Wilken to pose for a picture with me, check it out

1000 and 1000 and 1000’s of spam

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 23, 2007

I just looked at the comments on my photo section, I have spent 2 hours so far deleteing all the 1000’s and 1000’s and 1000’s of spam, I am not using the interface privited by the system I use, it is just slow, I am deleteing them straight from the database. I been thought 3[…]


Categories: Biking
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Published on: July 23, 2007

I just got my bike out of the shop today, I dropped if off on the 12, need a new rear wheel casset, new chain, another tune up for the year, and I was hoping they could work on the front derailer. Well they did get all that done, and finally the front derailer works[…]

Back from huston

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Published on: July 23, 2007

Got back from Huston on Friday, and I am so glad to be back. I will post my thoughts on the LCMS national convention, but I will do that later, I want to choice my words with care.

My head started to get bigger this week

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Published on: July 16, 2007

Well this week my head started to grow to a large size, I had 2 people (one is the call screener for my favorit Radio Show “Issues Etc” and some other random guy) said they read my blog. The second guy was a person that works for CPH and we were talking about sheet music[…]

What a way to end the day

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Published on: July 16, 2007

I go out to get some food today after the session ended for the day here. Well Huston have most things closing down at 7pm. I finally end up at a Subway (along with a bunch of other people from the convention, this turned out to be very varable as you shall see soon) Well[…]

Don’t bike for a day and your legs will never forgive you

Categories: Biking
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Published on: July 14, 2007

Well for the last 2 days I been doing alot of sitting, I have not gotten any biking in at all, and right now my legs are killing me for it. You would think that not biking would not cause pain, but for me for some stupid reason, it hurts when I don’t bike.

At the synodical convension

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 14, 2007

Well I am now here at the LCMS convension. One good thing that did happen was that my favorit talk radio show host was here, Todd Wilkins, and I did get to meet him in person, he does a readio show called Issues Etc (I usally listen late via the podcasts. I will post pictures[…]

Biking and stuff

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Published on: July 9, 2007

I know I have not posted much on it, but I am still biking alot, I bike to work every day. I have not done as much biking as of late as I would like to have, but I have a lot of other things on my plate, and I do want to dedicate a[…]

Amazing Grace

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: July 9, 2007

Here is my attempted at playing the Spiritual Song Amazing Grace, still not sure it made it into the new Lutheran hymnal, it is a great song and all, but not a hymn. Click here to hear the recording of it, and some rambalings by me

Click here to hear the recording of it, and some rambalings by me
July 2007
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