I went to the Pittsburgh Irish Festival today, I meet up with my Mother, Sister and her husband. My mother got me a T-Shirt with the following text on it “Pasta & Potatoes Italian and Irish” I just love the shirt. (My mother is 50% Italian, and as my mother tells me that the 25%[…]
Well as of Friday (Sep 8) I went past 900 miles on my way to the goal of 1000 miles biked this year. I am wondering something when I hit the 1K mark should I just put “1000 miles goal reached” or should I just keep accumulating the numbers over 1000.
I am probably going to put up a separate section for my music that I have recorded of my playing my Tin Whistle. I just have to find a good php web app to put up to manage it. Yes I am lazy and don’t want to have to write a web page for it[…]
Pittsburgh’s Irish Festival is this weekend. I am looking forward to it.I am probably going to go down to it this Sunday after Church.
I have posted a few mp3’s I have recorded of my playing my tin whistle, and chances are high that I probably will be posting more mp3 of myself playing. The question now is should I just keep putting links to the new mp3’s on my blog or should I put up some more php[…]
I am not very good at the tin whistle yet, but I keep plugging away at it, and with that said here is an attempt by me to play the tune for Ode to Joy (music lovers you might not want to hear this 😉 ). I still need to practice but, I think maybe[…]