Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : August 2006

Ode to Joy

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: August 30, 2006

Some one asked me to do more posts on the Tin Whistle, so here. I have been playing around with playing Ode to Joy. I think I am doing well, but I am having problems with measure 10 and 11 with the 2 1/8 notes followed by a 1/4 note, and proceeded by a 1/4[…]

My review of the hymn section of the new LCMS hymnal

Categories: Church, Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 29, 2006

Well here is the review of the hymn section of the new LCMS hymnal (LSB) This is coming from a average church member and tin whistle player. This part of my review of the new hymnal is where I will be the most kind to the new hymnal First they did change some of the[…]

Public Rebuke of Public Sin

Categories: Church
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Published on: August 28, 2006

The LCMS recently put out a document called “Public Rebuke of Public Sin” in which they say that people in the synod should not publicly talk about it (chat rooms, email, message boards, and blogs). I wonder what the LCMS would say about a monk in Wittenberg, that is speaking against a public sin in[…]

Sorry about the extream lack of posts

Categories: Blog Stuff
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 28, 2006

Some of my friends have made a comment about the lack of posts here as of late, for this I am sorry I just have been busy as of late. I will try to post more often but life does have a way of getting in the way at times.

More messing around on the Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: August 23, 2006

Well I was messing around with my Tin Whistle tonight and going though my hymnal (The Lutheran Hymnal) and I ran across the tune Coronae (if you click here you can hear my play it, not well but) I will admit I really like the tune, I am not sure about the text of the[…]

Coronae (if you click here you can hear my play it, not well but)

Addendum to my review of the New Lutheran Service Book

Categories: Church
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Published on: August 13, 2006

This is not the second review I promised of the hymn section, this is something I should have put in the first review, but did not find till today. It would be filed under the section of Bad: One section that they omitted from LSB, was the section with the Propers. In TLH it was[…]

The Pictures from today are up

Categories: Biking, WPLUG
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Published on: August 12, 2006

The Pictures from today’s bike ride are up

Today’s WPLUG Open Source Picnic

Categories: Biking, WPLUG
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Published on: August 12, 2006

Today WPLUG had it’s 5 annual picnic. Also today I biked up to it for the second year in a row I biked up to it. This year I got some one else to go with me. I am really happy with how well I did on the ride today, we went up 18th street,[…]

The new Lutheran Hymnal is out here is my review of it

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 10, 2006

Well the new Lutheran hymnal for the LCMS came out this month, and I got my copy back on Tuesday, so I thought I would post a review of it, for others who might have an interested in it. These only represent my own option and no one else’s. I would have posted a review[…]


Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: August 2, 2006

A while back I joined a group at work called Toastmasters. I joined because public speaking unnerves me, and the group is one that helps people develop public speaking skills. Today I gave my second speech, I gave a talk on the biking laws in PA. It was received well. I am going to start[…]

August 2006
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