Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : October 2005

The Stitches came

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Published on: October 11, 2005

I got the stitches out today, I can now type again without the finger getting in the way. It took a little time for me to get use to bending the finger again since it was kept straight for about 10 days.

The Stitches come out today

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Published on: October 11, 2005

Finally the stitches come out today, I have a doctors appointment for 3pm today and the stitches should come out then. I can not want till they are out and I can type at my normal speed, having the lose of a finger for me is a pain. My typing speed is way down, and[…]

Vancouver vs Detroit

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 10, 2005

This was a good game. Detroit took the lead early in the first period. Vancouver then took the lead in the second period. Making the score 3-1. In the Third Detroit tied the game. Near the end of the period Vancouver takes the lead. At the end in the hope of tieing the game Detroit[…]

A good site for the times you can not watch the Hockey games

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 9, 2005

Tonight I could not watch the hockey games. But I do want to keep an eye on the scores, and I found a site by ESPN that has the scores as they happen. I wish I could watch the games but I have alot of other things to do today.

The Traffic I sent from Columbus

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: October 9, 2005

I did not check into the traffic net last night, but when I checked in tonight, I was informed that the traffic I sent from Columbus Oh on Sep 30 arrived to the destination yesterday (October 9) That is about 10 days for it to be delivered. I would have thought it would have taken[…]

Hurricane VINCE

Categories: News
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 9, 2005

We are now on Hurricane Vince now. After this storm we only have one name left in the names this year. If we get 2 more named storms, we will have a stormed named Alpha. I half hope that we do get a storm with the name Alpha just for the fun of it. We[…]

This finger is getting annoying

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Published on: October 9, 2005

My finger that I cut is starting to get very annoying. First it is preventing me from typing well. It is now itching and at some times it burns. Also I have been overly tired, and all I can think of is that it is the finger still healing. I slept allot yesterday, and I[…]

The Trama Podcast now listed in the iTMS

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: October 9, 2005

I submitted the TRAMA podcast to the iTMS to be listed in their podcast list, yesterday I did a search for it in their system and it was listed. This might help incease the number of poeple that will subscribe to it.

Canceling my Post Gazette subscription

Categories: News
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Published on: October 9, 2005

Since I got my RSS news aggregator going on my web site, and I am starting to get more and more of my news off of the Internet, and reading less and less of the news paper I think it might be a wise thing to do to just dump the paper. At this time[…]

The Coyote’s game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 8, 2005

Here is my review of the Minnesota vs Phoenix game. It was a good game a bitter fight to the very end of the game. In the first Period there was a big fight, and I do mean big, there were at lest 5 people involved in it. There was a slashing penalty that started[…]

The Penguin’s game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 8, 2005

When I was younger I was told that a team that allowed more then 3 or 4 goals against them has some real problems that they need to look at. Well tonight’s game for the Penguins both teams allowed more then 4 goals (6 or more). As much as I hate to say this I[…]

Tomorrows Games I want to watch on Oct 8

Categories: Hockey
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 8, 2005

First of all I love all these games on Digital Cable (man I am starting to sound like an ad for Comcast). I have looked at the list of games for tomorrows (channels given here are all in the Pittsburgh Area) The first game I will go for is the Boston vs Pittsburgh game (starting[…]

Tonight’s Hockey Game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 7, 2005

I watched the Game tonight to the end of the OT period (I reject the shoot out as part of the game) The Pens did not have a good game in the first period. I still say Mario is hurting the team. But the 3rd period was just WOW that was hockey. There were penalties[…]

The BS of the shoot out

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 7, 2005

Well I watched the Pens game to the end of the OT period. It was a good game, at that point I turned off the game after that, the shoot out idea is stupid, Could some one let me know the out come of the shoot out and who the “official winner” was. See my[…]

I think the spammers have found the new address

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: October 7, 2005

Well I should have known this would have happened when I changed the web address space that the spam bots would see my blog as a new blog. Well today I had over 97 spam comments and 81 of them had unique IP address. So I now have another 81 IP address that have been[…]

October 2005
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