Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : July 2005

WPLUG: Picnic August 07, 2005

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Published on: July 28, 2005

WPLUG is having its Annual Picnic. I will be biking down, I am going to try to organize a bike ride there in the afternoon, we will be late to the picnic but not to late to enjoy it. See the wplug site for more details.

Got this in the email today, Venture Outdoors Singles Night out

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Published on: July 27, 2005

This was sent out via Venture Outdoors, since Pittsburgh is getting better at being singles according to Forbes Magazine. I will not be there, but I thought I would pass this on to every one. I hope that VO does more Singles Nights; I would love to go to one. PSVN, PUMP, Venture Outdoors and[…]

An intersting rant over at bloggledygook

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: July 27, 2005

An intersting, but long windded rant over at bloggledygook make some intersting points. IAn interesting, but long winded rant over at bloggledygook make some interesting points. It is a bit long so be warned. It talks about the 5 that were arrested that were possibly plotting a bombing of the NYC subway system. It goes[…]

I hope this is just the FBI over reacting

Categories: News
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: July 27, 2005

PowerBall Blog, has an artical about how 5 people were arrested by the FBI for posably planning bombing the NY subway system. I hope (no I pray) that these people were not planning that, and that the FBI was over reacting. But I fear this might be just the tip of an iceburgh and a[…]


Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 26, 2005

Wow we are already up to Tropical Storm Franklin already. Any one wants to take a bet on what name we will get up to this year. My bet is on Nate this year. Check here for a list of the names and pick the name you think we will get up to in the[…]

These spammers are getting annoying

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: July 26, 2005

These spammers are getting annoying; today I got over 100 spams on my blog in the form of trackbacks. I have so far deleted all of them, so that they don’t get any Google benefit of them being linked too, also I have been banning there IP’s. I know most of the IP’s will be[…]

FCC to dump CW on tests for Ham radio

Categories: Ham Radio, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 26, 2005

Well the FCC has finally done it, they are dumping the CW requerment for higher level tests. I will admit I don’t care one way or the other. The only problem I see, is the old big pot belly hams are going to start to harasses No Code hams even more. I don’t go on[…]

Catherine Baker Knoll is a heartless person

Categories: Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 25, 2005

I say Catherine Baker Knoll is a heartless person. Why would I say this? I say this because she crashed a funeral of a fallen Marine, to make an anti-war message. I have no problem with her being against the war and saying so, that is her constitutional right, but you do not crash a[…]

The Tour of France, and other stuff

Categories: Biking
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 24, 2005

I just finishing up watching the Tour of France. It is nice to see that Lance has won the 7th one in a row. It was a good race. While watching I recognized the street at the end of the race. I was there once with my family. We went to Paris on year for[…]

The Family Crest

Categories: Family
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 24, 2005

My mother just emailed to me a image of the family crest. It is a nice and simple one, but it is the O’Connor crest, therefor it is my crest.

Todays bike ride

Categories: Biking
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 23, 2005

Today was a good bike ride. I started out heading down to downtown, then I went up Liberty Av. then I caught up to Penn Av. I kept on Penn till it ended. I found myself up at Forest Hills, at that point I was lost. It was a great bike ride. I turned on[…]

Windows Vista

Categories: Hay it is funny
Comments: Comments Off on Windows Vista
Published on: July 22, 2005

I find this new name for the next version of windows funny. Why would I say this. Well the last project I worked on at work was called VISTA and it was an acronym for “VISualization of Threats and Attacks” and I think that is almost correct for windows, windows is a threat to computers,[…]


Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 22, 2005

When I went over to my mothers house today to pick up the exercise equipment (thanks Terry for driving me there with your truck) And she gave to me (along with the exercise equipment) she gave me a bottle of Lupo’s Spiedie marinade. I am so looking forward to marinading some Lamb and have some[…]

The Bike races & some random rambaling.

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 21, 2005

I have been watching the Tour of France lately. I have been finding it very exciting. It is nice to see that Lance is in the lead still. Since they are on at 8:30am when I am getting ready for work, and go well into the time I am working, I just have my DVR[…]

Conservative Blogs

Categories: Blog Stuff, News, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 21, 2005

I found a site that lists conservative blogs, I have submitted my site to be listed there. If i get listed there I will be listed in 4 lists. The first 3 are Pittsburgh Bloggers, the second one is a list of Lutheran Blogs, and the finally one is Planet WPLUG: a list of the[…]

July 2005
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