Pittsburgh Area Reformation Celebration

Categories: Church
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Published on: October 31, 2004

Today being the 31 of October and this is the day that in 1517 that Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg. Well today the churches of the LCMS in the Pittsburgh area had the Reformation Rally for the entire area.

I got a few pictures of it and you can see them here.


Categories: Church
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Published on: October 31, 2004

Our church today had it annual Octoberfest that we have every year. It was like most Octoberfests good food good friends and some fun. You can see some pictures of it here.

This Blog Share Thing looks like it could be intersting.

Categories: Hay it is funny, Play
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Published on: October 30, 2004

I know it is not real money but it seems to be a bit fun I am going to play with it some more and see what I think about it in a few days.

This is some what funny

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: October 30, 2004

A Hippie test, find out how much of a hippie you are.



What? Am I a Republican? Why did I even bother taken this test?! I guess I’ll back to my George W. Bush fan club and tell them I just wasted 10 minutes of my life. At least I don’t stink, man.

Also how will I die well according to this test

I will be struck down by a meteor!

How will you die? Take the Exotic Cause of Death Test

Ok I could not sleep last night so I wasted time on these stupid tests

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Thrust-ship.I am a Thrust-ship.

I am small and tricky – where you think I am, I probably am not. I can work very fast, but I tend to go about things in a round about way, which often leaves me effectively standing still. I hate rocks. Bloody rocks. What Video Game Character Are You?

As to the type of robot I would be

Killer Robot
Death Machine – You are a killer robot. You are
often the leader of an army of similar robots
employed by evil masterminds and greedy

– What Kind of Robot Are You? –
brought to you by Quizilla

Ok this is even more funny the blogShare existing

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: October 29, 2004

I can not even buy any shares in my own blog, appently someone named Dave Walker owns all the “public” shares. I will get 1000 shares as the true owner of the blog but that is only 20%, I don’t even have a controling interst in my own blog. But at the same time my blog is listed 2 times one as http://www.mikeoconnor.net and once as http://www.mikeoconnor.net/ aparently that final “/” makes a diffence in the system. Maybe it is time for a murger, sorry bad joke, I appologize for it.

My side is starting to hurt!


Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: October 29, 2004

Ok this is got to be funny. BlogShare, it allows you to buy shares in blogs as if they were stocks. They give you $500 of play money to work with. I figured I mess around with it since it is free. I will probably play with it a few days. But to play with it and get shares in your own blog you must “claim” it on there and put the following link on your blog. So here is the link and the image.

Listed on BlogShares

I wish my work computers could be setup the way I have my home computers setup

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 28, 2004

I would make it much nicer, when I have to consitrate on the windows box at home, it is right there right next to the linux box, no moving of the head. Here at work the way things are setup since the windows box is a laptop it can not site just as nice next to the linux box!I might try rearanging the computers to make it as nice as it is at home, but my home setup is just perfect for the way I like to work, and I am not talking about the systems setup, I am talking about physical arangment of the screens. Well back to the debugging.


Categories: Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 27, 2004

The fun thing about debugging a program is that the bug you are looking for that is causing the program to crash is rarly ever were the program crashes but just a cumative bug that happend long before in the program. And I think that is part of the fun of debugging, the hunt, the hunt for the bug so you can finally smash the dang thing.

For Lord of the Ring fans

Categories: Hay it is funny, Politics
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Published on: October 27, 2004

[Bad sarcastic joke]
To those who believe that Aragorn was justified in invading oil rich Mordor how do explain the film linked to, it proves that Aragon lied to us so he could invaded Mordor for his rich oil buddies. And that Saron was not as evil as every one thinks
[/Bad sarcastic joke]
Ok sorry bad bad joke, but the above linked to film does show the stupidity of michael moore. I still can not believe any one takes that idiot seriously

The Wiki over at bBlog

Categories: Blog Stuff, News, Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 27, 2004

The guys over at bBlogs site have put up a new wiki since the old one was not working out for them. It is a nice one, and I think maybe it might be a nice to add such a thing to my site. I will just have to look into it to see if it is something that would make sence for my site.

This is the way it should work

Categories: Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 26, 2004

Well today I was “in the zone” as they would say. I was working on a paper I had to do for class. I have my windows and Linux box set up to share 1 keyboard and mouse over my local network. And while working on the paper, I forgot that the keyboard and mouse were physically attached to the Linux box and not the windows box I was working on. That is how seamless it was, that is how computer technology should work, it should work so well and so closely together that one can forget it is there, or that there is a physical device between the devices. For me when I sit down to my windows and Linux box it is just as if I have 1 computer, 1 mouse, 1 keyboard and 2 screens that are running 2 different systems and I can just jump between the two with out stopping my work and use them as if they are almost 1. Now the only thing that we need is the ability to drag a window from one system to the other and we will be set.

That is the setup. On the left is the screen for the Linux box and on the right is the screen for the windows box. Now if I can just get the windows box to boot up with out a mouse and keyboard attached, but I still need one on them for loging in. If I can get VNC to load at the log in screen I could remove the mouse and keyboard from the windows box fully, but for now they are just set out of the way (sitting on top of the windows tower.)

Along with Google now Yahoo and MSN

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: October 25, 2004

Well I looked at the logs today, and found that Yahoo now has started it massive “slurp” of my site. They have been getting page after page. They have 2 bots looking around my site. Also MSN is sending its bots over, I did a check on MSN search engine and for my name Michael P. O’Connor, I am both hit #1 and #2, sweet. Also with my old websites that I was not maintaining I have just gone back to them and set up a redirection to this site now.

Over at DeviantArt

Categories: Play
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Published on: October 25, 2004

Well I got 2 comments so far about the pictures I posted on deviant art (mpost4.deviantart.com) both of them ok, but now really content on the quality of the pictures. But both of them loved the pictures because they love the city of Pittsburgh. I figure I will add 1 or 2 a day and see what happens. I have put 4 up so far.

The clip of the service where Erica is brought in as a member.

Categories: Church
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Published on: October 24, 2004

For those of you who want to see the part of the service where Erica is brought into membership at first trinity

to see the whole service the full hour and 15 minutes click here. Enjoy. Or to download the whole thing click here and remember to change the extension from mv to mov

The church service today

Categories: Church
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Published on: October 24, 2004

Ok since Erica was received into membership at First Trinity, she asked me if I could record the service for her, so here is the whole service all one hour and fifteen minutes of it. Enjoy. Click on the read more to see the video!!

If you wish to download the movie instead you can here remember to change the extension from mv to mov when you save it.

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