Some protest a death in CA, but the same would love to see a child murdered in MA

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: December 13, 2005

The Free Republic is reprinting a story from the AP. On how in MA a child is going to be put to death by the state. The child’s only crime is to be beaten by a bad father. Yet yesterday in CA liberals were all upset that a convicted killer was going to be put to death. (Let me also say here, I am not sure on the death penalty, and I am not sure Tookie should have been put to death. The loss of life, any life, is a loss to all)
The question is why do the liberals protest over the death of a guilty person (one convicted of murding 4 people), yet when it comes a innocent child (in this case a child that was beaten at the age of 11, but it easily could be a unborn child) they will call it, a “woman’s choice” or “death with dignity” but they will not call it what it is MURDER.

Trackback test failed.

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 11, 2005

Well I tried to see if I could reinable trackbacks here, but the spammers have made it 100% clear that trackbacks on the internet now are a bad idea. So I have again disabled trackbacks on my blog, never to be reinabled again.

Rush addes video to the pod cast for 24/7 subscribers

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Published on: December 11, 2005

Well tonight I get home and get a message on my mac that the “Rush 24/7” software has been updated, and was restarting. When it restarted it downloaded the first of the video parts of Rushes Podcasts, it is the morning update that he does. Well the first one was not a morrning update, but a welcome message to the new video podcast part. So now every day, the software will get for me, the Rush Limbaugh show as an mp3, and a video of him doing the morrning update.
I had in the past turned off the video part of iTunes on my mac because I did not think I would have a use for it, but now, I have turned the video part of iTunes back on, just to keep the stuff organized on the computer (I like how iTunes has things done on it).

Trinity Concert Series Presents “Caroling, Caroling!” as sung by The University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club

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Published on: December 10, 2005

I posted this last sunday, but just want to post it a second time to make sure it gets out
Tomorrow (December 11) at 3:00 PM our church (First Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church) will be hosting The University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club, as they do a concert called “Caroling, Caroling” a Program of Holiday Music. The Concert will be free, but we will be taking a free will offering, to help us pay for the costs of repairing our Organ. All are welcome to the Concert.

For more information see my churches web site

Church Address is 535 N. Neville Steet, in Shadyside

Head over to PowerBall’s blog for a great version of “‘Twas the Night Before a Liberal Christmas”

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: December 9, 2005

PowerBall has posted “‘Twas the Night Before a Liberal Christmas” it is a great/funny post, most people will enjoy it.

“holiday” Carorls

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: December 9, 2005

I saw this over at Power Ball’s Blog It is about the liberal attack on the word Christmas.

In keeping with the spirit of political correctness, PowerBlog! recommends the adoption of the following songs at Holidaytime:

“I’m Dreaming of a White Holiday”; “O Holiday Tree”; “All I Want for The Holiday Is My Two Front Teeth”; “We Wish You a Merry Holiday”; “The Twelve Days of the Holiday”; “The Holiday Song”; “Rockin’ Around The Holiday Tree”; “You’re All I Want For The Holiday”; “Baby’s First Holiday”; “Do They Know It’s The Holiday”; “Merry Holiday Darling”; “I’ll Be Home For The Holiday”; “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like The Holiday”; “Blue Holiday”; “The Holiday Waltz”; “Holly Jolly Holiday”; “So This Is The Holiday”; “Merry, Merry Holiday Baby”; “Have Yourself a Merry Little Holiday”; “Twas the Night Before The Holiday”; “Holiday Serenade”; “Feliz Vacaciones.

Happy Sparkle Season!”

I would like to thank Power Ball for promition to reposting this.

This is too funny

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Published on: December 9, 2005

A web site called “Old Lutheran” now has some Gym Shorts, making fun of the stupid left behind books and movies (ok for the record I am an Amillennialist (click this link for the LCMS’s document on the different views of the end times), so I reject the pre-tribulation rapture of the faithfull) I found this more funny then the Simpsons “Left below” episode.

Winter Weather

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Published on: December 8, 2005

If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please be advised that the NWS is predicting allot of snow to night, so please be careful.

Adding Trackback again

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: December 8, 2005

I am going to try to add the trackbacks to my blog again, I have put the file back to its original name. This is only a short term test, if I get over loaded with spam I will remove trackbacks again.

More on the Mirecki story

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 8, 2005

Michelle Malkin has a good long review of the Mirecki story, and reasons it might not be a true beating, as it was first claimed to be.

I would hate to be the child of this “woman”

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 8, 2005 has a article on how a Scottish “woman” is suing an abortionist for failing to kill both of her twins. The child that survived the attempted murder is now 4 years old. I would hate to be that poor child, I can image how the “mother” probably continues to remind that poor child that she was not wanted and that she is a “financial burden” I would say that that “woman” should have her child taken from her and placed in a real loving home, the “woman” is an unfit mother, for 1) trying to kill her child before birth 2) saying the child is “financial burden”. A child is a beautiful gift from God not a “financial burden” if this “woman” thinks her daughter is a “financial burden” and tried to kill her before birth that shows she is an unfit mother.

The story of Mirecki seams to be falling apart

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Published on: December 8, 2005

I just saw a post over at WorldNetDaily that talked about how the story of the beating of Mirecki seams to have some holes. Also the way the blogs and most news sites have been reporting the beating seams to be wrong. Many that are reporting about it, says the class was canceled after the beating. Well it turns out that it was canceled before the beating. Also (I did not know this) there apparently have been “that American campuses have witnessed a veritable pandemic of hate-crime hoaxes in recent years.”
Lastly if Mirecki’s story does check out to be true, it is sad that some idiots will hurt some one over religion, no mater how much of a jerk that person is.

Trinity Concert Series Presents “Caroling, Caroling!” as sung by The University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 4, 2005

This comming Sunday (December 11) at 3:00 PM our church (First Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church) will be hosting The University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club, as they do a concert called “Caroling, Caroling” a Program of Holiday Music. The Concert will be free, but we will be taking a free will offering, to help us pay for the costs of repairing our Organ. All are welcome to the Concert. For more information see my churches web site

Church Address is 535 N. Neville Steet, in Shadyside

I was going to do my Christmas shopping at

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: December 3, 2005

I was going to do my Christmas shopping at, but when I tried to check out, I tried to use my checking account info into the checkout area, I checked to make sure it was right. It returned saying something was wrong, but it did not say, so I entered it again and double checked it (copying it from my check book, with new checks were just sent to me last month) and it still said that there was a error, I signed into my account on line and my account looked fine from the banks web site. So I guess I will not be shopping for my Christmas presents I will be getting for my parents there, I will just head to the mall and deal with the crowds.


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Published on: December 2, 2005

Well it looks like we have entered the snow season. I hate snow. Well I guess it is time to bring out the cold weather clothing. The NWS is showing snow for most of the next seven days. I just hope that we don’t get much coverage on the ground.
Also for those of you that might ask, “don’t you want a white Christmas?” My answer to that is no, I rather have a green Christmas. I know to many in Pittsburgh this will sound odd, but starting when I was a kid to my early 20’s we would go to Florida for a few days for Christmas (1985 to 2001) So for me Christmas was a warm time with palm trees, so for me, I don’t dream of a white Christmas I dream of a green Christmas. Oh well, from 2002 to now, I have not gone to Florida for Christmas, and the snow that we get around Christmas just is not for me something that says Christmas.

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