Categories: Holoday stuff
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Published on: December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas to every one.

I must be the only one that does this

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Published on: December 19, 2006

(Young single guy that is . . .)
My mother dropped off my presents for Christmas that she and my dad got me this year at my apartment, I must be the only single young guy that did not rush to open them, they are still wrapped under my tree (well except 3 since they are to big to fit under the tree so they are still wrapped under the dining room table, oh and the tree is a 3 foot fake tree) I will probably not open them till Christmas Afternoon.
I will admit there is this one box that has my curiosity peaked. Oh well I have my World of Warcraft game to keep my attention for the next few days. I still have to send out my Christmas cards, I probably send them out tomorrow (yes I know late but that is how I am, and most of them are local so they should be there the day after.)

Tested the bulbs in my Christmas Tree Lights

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Published on: December 13, 2006

I just tested all the bulbs in my main 100 light strain, there were only 17 that worked, and 83 were bad. I need to find a place that I can get some replacement bulbs for it. I know I could just by a new 100 strain but I don’t see it good to just trash the strain. I hope to be putting the stuff up on the 14th.

I should check my spam folder and sorry to my friends

Categories: Blog Stuff, Technology
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Published on: December 9, 2006

Well my account was full, I was wondering why I did not get any email for the last few days, well over 50 Megabytes were full of spam in my spam filter folders, I have deleted those, and clean up some room on my account. I have deleted some photos from my photo album (Biking 2004 and Biking 2005)

Bus Pass

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Published on: December 6, 2006

Well the cold drove me off my bike for the season, so I was walking to work, it was not that bad, but it is getting colder. So I picked up a bus pass, I miss my free bus pass when I worked at CMU.

World of WarCraft

Categories: Play
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Published on: December 4, 2006

I know I have not tried this game before, I did not like the idea of posable going around and people coming up and just killing you for no reason. But with a free 10 day free trial, what have I had to loss except a little bit of time. Well it turns out you can set your character up on a PvE server so people can not attack and kill you, the worst you can do is accept a duel, but you don’t die at the end of it, you are left with only one HP, so you can heal yourself afterwards, I don’t do duels but.
If you happen to be on the server of Korialstrasz, run across a Night Elf named Drun, say hi to me. As of today I am up to a level 19. I have spent more time then I should have on the game, and found I do like it, so I have upgraded to the full paid account.

Well it is finally finished

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: December 1, 2006

Well today was the day we did the caroling over at Family House, those months of practice have come to a head. Over all I think it went well. So I the first time I did a public performance is over, and I am glad it is over because I was so nervous.
I wanted to record one of the practices we did, but every time I did, I was getting clipping on the recording, so I could not record anything that would be worth putting up.

Walmart sales down

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: November 25, 2006

I just saw on Fox news that Walmart sales for yesterday were down 10%, but they did not report why, but I think I know why. I got this email from the AFA on Nov 21 of 2006.

Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire email list of family and friends.

Send A Message To Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club, Don’t Shop With Them This Friday Or Saturday

Dear Michael,

We have asked our supporters not to shop at Wal-Mart or Sam’s Club this coming Friday or Saturday. Thus far nearly 400,000 families have agreed not to shop at Wal-Mart on those days. We suggest you shop with your local merchants.

Here is why we are asking you not to shop at Wal-Mart or Sam’s Club this Friday or Saturday:
Wal-Mart gave $60,000 to homosexual group to support homosexual agenda in the workplace

Wal-Mart made a generous donation to the Northwest Arkansas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center

Wal-Mart sells pro-homosexual items from their website

Wal-Mart asks for, and receives, permission to join Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Wal-Mart invites homosexual ad agency to headquarters for 2-day seminar to indoctrinate employees.

Last March, Wal-Mart chose to promote “Brokeback Mountain” video over a top-selling family-oriented film. Wal-Mart began taking advance orders of the homosexual love movie, “Brokeback Mountain.” A large display greeted customers when they walked through the front doors of the store. “Brokeback Mountain” was released the same day as best selling pro-family movie, “The Chronicles of Narnia” which Wal-Mart did not promote.
This shows just how much power the AFA does have.


Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: November 24, 2006

A year or two ago, my parents gave me a DVD “Creating The Lord of the Rings Symphony” In a tune labeled “The Shire” I hear a familiar sounding instrument, I look over at the screen (I am listening to it and not watching) and I see a Tin Whistle, I think to my self that can not be right, the Tin Whistle in a classical piece. So I watch as the guy fingers the instrument and try to copy it a bit, well, other then being about 3/4th of a beat off it sounded the same, the note the pitch, and the sound wow, after seeing that IF said Symphony ever comes to Pittsburgh I will want to go see it.

Happy Thanksgiving All

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Published on: November 23, 2006

I am over at my parents place, but I wanted to just log on to wish all a happy thanks giving, I hope you had a good one.

It still gives me a rush

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: November 22, 2006

This still gives me a rush. What is it, it is where I give a first run test of some code I wrote. When I run it for the first time, and the code I wrote runs as I had planned on as I wrote it. It gives me such a rush when I see my code run.

I did record the practice tonight

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Published on: November 21, 2006

I just have to edit out the talking, we did a lot of BS while we where practicing and I want to take some of that out. I just don’t have the time tonight. (I still have to post 2 other podcasts that I have the recording for too.)

Due to Bandwidth theft

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: November 20, 2006

I have turned on Hotlink protection for my site. If you find a page on my site set, please let me know what page. I do not wish to let myspace people steal my bandwidth.

Finally got my iBook working

Categories: Technology
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Published on: November 17, 2006

Well it took me alot time of work, but I finally got the iBook to a usable state. I been unusable for over a year, but now that I been doing some work on the hardware and put Linux oneit, it seems to be working fine, the only thing I need to get done on it now, is to see if I can get the bluetooth dongle to work on it under Linux for the Mac.

Oh Holy Night

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: November 15, 2006

We might be adding “Oh Holy Night” to the Dec 1 singing. I am practising it on the Tin Whistle. And ouch those high g a and b notes are harsh, right now I can tell I am missing it up big time they just sound so wrong (well at lest to me)

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