
Categories: Politics, Web Site
Comments: Comments Off on Polotics?
Published on: April 8, 2009

Question, when I stopped doing political posts, I kind of started letting the site slide, should I continue trying not to do political posts, or shoudl I say forget it and just post political stuff if the fancy hits me.

Photo section

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: April 8, 2009

Well did some work and got my photo section back up and running, also looked around the site to see what was up and what was down (needed to do this as I have not done much site up keep in a long time) took some areas off of the list at the front, and cleaned up the photo section a bit too.

20 man of OS

Categories: World of Warcraft
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Published on: December 26, 2008

My guild decided to do 20 man of OS tonight, here is the results.

Happy Reformation Day

Categories: Church
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Published on: October 31, 2008

Happy Reformation Day for all the Lutherans out there

Illidan Cousle down

Categories: World of Warcraft
Comments: Comments Off on Illidan Cousle down
Published on: October 10, 2008

I seen the bear mount drop

Categories: World of Warcraft
Comments: Comments Off on I seen the bear mount drop
Published on: October 5, 2008

Yesterday, I was running with some friends, they needed me to to replace their normal resto druid in their ZA runs since she just had a baby.

(click image for better view)
I am happy to finally see it drop, I wanted to be able to say I seen it drop. I don’t want it, it is the ugliest mount in the game, but to be able to see it drop as part of a team where we run the 4 timers (and have 2 minutes left over)

Fun at church tonight

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Published on: October 4, 2008

Well I went over to my church to hang with some friends tonight. First off we played a game called “Dukes of Hazzard” that was fun. Then I pulled out my Fluxx deck, if you know that game you know how much fun it can be, we did 3 games, the first 2 were fast 10 minute ones, the last one lasted about an hour, you know those ones, long but funny as all get out.

Then after that, Joe and I went and started to have some fun playing music, he had brought his Alto Recorder and I had my Tin Whistle on me, so we spent about 30 minutes on that, and by that time it was 10 at night so we called it a night.

A Shout out

Categories: Friends
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Published on: October 3, 2008

I want to put a shout out to the following people

Johnathan and Kata Ward.
Joel Martan

I recently had my cell phone break, and lost all my numbers, and so I lost your numbers. I am sure you still have mine (or so I hope) Give me a call, or drop me an email and say hi.

Sadly since you are no longer in the area finding you guys will be harder then not.


Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: Comments Off on Links
Published on: October 3, 2008

Well as you might have noticed I just did some major link clean up on the right side of this page. I have lots of work to do to get this site back up and going. I need to work on the photo section and all the other sections, but first order of business is the blog then the photo section and we will see where I go from there.

The question now is should I clean up the Sections, or should I leave the old sections in and just add on to it. Cleaning them up will allow me to more focus this blog, but leaving all the old ones will let the old posts keep their old sections, and I do not wish to delete any old posts.

The blog rises from the dust

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: October 3, 2008

I am going to look at reviving this blog. And bring it back, there will be some changes on it, if you find your way back here and read it again, you might notice some changes. I will refrain from political stuff, and aquarium stuff, I will still be doing stuff about the Tin Whistle, and Biking (next year) and all that fun stuff. I will also be doing more on the game I been playing World of Warcraft.

I will also be updating the links on the right side of the page.

Vista sucks more the xp

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 13, 2007

Well I got a new computer this week, on Wednessday, it crashed 5 times on the first day before I even installed anything. It is running slower then a computer 5 years older then it. It is a crap shoot if the sound will work. I have been told by other people that work with winblows all the time, I will be better off to upgrade to xp.

fedex fails to deliver again

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Published on: October 9, 2007

Well I have a package being sent to me, the sender made the mistake of using fedex, the sent it last Wed. I have yet to get it, I sent it to my office, where we have guards there 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. fedex claims to have tried 2 times, and there was no one there. So that tells me fedex is full of liers. I talked to Mike in security, and he verified that tonight at 6pm when fedex claims to have tried a delivery, there was no attempts by fedex.

fedex fails to deliver again.

Heck I got the recite in the post already.

Upgreaded my OS on my Linux box

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 12, 2007

I have been running Fedora 2 for the longest time on my Linux box well today I just put Fedora 7 on it. I am still in the middle of the install, aka I am downloading the updated patches for the system.

I got to meet Todd Wilken of Issues Etc

Categories: Church
Comments: Comments Off on I got to meet Todd Wilken of Issues Etc
Published on: July 23, 2007

My favorit Talk show is Issues Etc, and when I was in Huston I got to meet the host of the show I also did get Todd Wilken to pose for a picture with me, check it out

1000 and 1000 and 1000’s of spam

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 23, 2007

I just looked at the comments on my photo section, I have spent 2 hours so far deleteing all the 1000’s and 1000’s and 1000’s of spam, I am not using the interface privited by the system I use, it is just slow, I am deleteing them straight from the database. I been thought 3 pages of 1000 entries at a time, and still have alot to go though. I am at the point I am just blind deleteing them, aka I am not even looking to see if there is a real comment. I have set the max langth of comments on my photo section to 0 so that should help prevent the spam. And it all is perverted stuff. Why do spammers think that a web site others put up is there place to put up their graffie? I hope if they ever put up one for them selfs, they get 100x the spam on their site as they produce. I hope the worse for them, I know that is wrong, but I loss so much of my time because they are such SOB’s. 3 hours today.

I also set the comment feild in the database of the photo section to be read only, so no comments should be accepted. The final count was 7K spam posts.

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