I find this funny some one is tring to add a link to my site, I don’t know what they want to add, but the link section, I have deleted the add.php file so that no one can add a link to the site unless it is me. But some one at the following address[…]
I though I could mount my ftp site for my web site on my Linux box, I found a program called lufs. It promises to be able to mount file different systems as a file system on a Linux box. I tried it out, but I kept getting the following messages in my system logs[…]
Well If I can get a good hit on Google I am going to rename the blog to my correct full legal name. I don’t know how high I will get with my Full name on google but now people will be able to find my site when they search google for my name.
I saw over at MacZilla infomation about pinging now lets see if I can get pinging going on here.
I was asked if I had an RSS feed, well at first I did not know what that was, when I put up this site, so I removed the link (good thing I did not remove the files for it) the RSS feed link is back and for those who are intersted in it, here[…]
I just added this site to a web ring, so lets see if it generates a few visites now I have to find a place to put the following link to the blog web ring This Blogging Webring site owned by Michael O’Connor. Previous 10 | Skip prev | Previous| Next| Skip next | Next[…]
I have added a new php script to the site, it will allow for better management of the links that I would like to post to the site. So far I have only added a few links, but I think that they are good ones. You can see it here. So enjoy.
I have put a new BB here on the site for my friends check it out, lets see if it is something that should stay.
I am wondering if I should put a BB up here for my friends. I would love to but I don’t think there would be that much usage for it. If I am wrong I would love to hear about it, you can mail me or leave a comment here. And if so, what type[…]
It is nice now that one can get all kinds of PHP programs for ones site, and all one has to worry about is providing content. I have just added a photo section to my web site (www.mikeoconnor.net/Photos) and I don’t have to worry about how to get the format now, all I have to[…]
Why do spammers think they can get away with spamming every place they see. I had to delete 2 comments that were spam, one was for spam for a sex site. SPAMMERS this site if rated PG (maybe PG-13 at the most) I don’t want to see X rated stuff posted here. I guess I[…]
Any one reading this blog, know about good web design, I am going to see if I can redo a new site for my church. (www.FirstTrinity.net) I am a programmer, and don’t think much of users. Hell I think bash is the greatest UI there is, so you know where I am thinking for web[…]
Ok here it is 2:06am and I am still working on my web site, this time I am downloading the whole thing to my Mac, so I have a back up. Since I have not really had a copy of it on my Mac. I am going to start to do the work on the[…]