Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Misc (no other place to put this stuff)

Talk shows

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Published on: October 22, 2004

I think I am becoming a talk show junkie. There are 2 talk shows I just hate missing. And I enjoy listening to talk shows in general, it is the only radio I can stand now. If I want music I will listen to my music collection, I will never don’t listen to music on[…]


Comments: Comments Off on SUBTROPICAL STORM NICOLE
Published on: October 10, 2004

Hi have a friend Nicole that is going to be very excited about this, she was hoping beyond hope to have a storm named after her this year. well today her wish came true. She really wanted a hurricane, but she will have to take a subtropical storm. But wow I did not think we[…]

I can hear the cold weather is here

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Published on: October 5, 2004

I sounds of the empty pipes in the apartment building starting to get steam in them is very loud at times. It sounds like some one is hitting the pipes with a hammer. Well if the temp in the area keeps going down, the noise should be over in a few days, but if the[…]

Finally got around to it

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Published on: September 30, 2004

I have had a to-do on my list for more then 3 months, and I finally got around to knocking it off my list. What is it you might ask, well it is that I needed to update the The Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools web site with the contact information of the different Lutheran Schools[…]

Today is the day

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Published on: September 30, 2004

Well today is the day I blast my old Gateway laptop and put a *nix on it. I have finally decided on Linux, Red Hat Fedora Core. Why Red Hat? Well the reason is that I just don’t have the time to have fun with slackware Linux or *BSD, so I went with something that[…]


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Published on: September 29, 2004

While scanning all my pictures I came across this one. It is of my childhood pet Mocha. I got him when I was 4 or 5 and he died when I was 23 or 24. He lived to be 19 years old. and I should correct myself, it did not seam that he was my[…]

Never got the chance to take those picture

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Published on: September 26, 2004

ell I really wanted to take pictures of the boats at Point State Park, I was going to go down today, but things just came up so I could not get to do that, I wanted to do it yesterday, but I was busy helping some friends move and by the time I got on[…]


Comments: Comments Off on ConGeek
Published on: September 21, 2004

As a response to the liberal bias over at Slashdot, A friend of mine and I are working on a new web site we call ConGeek, I plan on getting it is own domain tonight. I have registered the URL ConGeek.com for the site (that is now 3 domain names that I own) and I[…]

Ever it be so humble there no place like home

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Published on: September 19, 2004

Well this weekend I went out to visit my friend Trish. This is the second time I have visited her. She was a bit distracted this weekend since her grandfather is going to go into surgery on Monday, but I still had fun visiting her. She is a great person and I really like her.[…]

I am spoild by high speed net access

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Published on: September 18, 2004

I find this odd, I am not use to my internet being so slow, I am dialing into a modem pool to get some of my files off of the work computer, and it seams to be taking a long time. I have been on for 18 minutes, and this for me normally would take[…]

My visit with Trish

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Published on: September 18, 2004

Today Trish and I went on a farm tour today, it cover a few of the farms that they have here just outside of Findlay, OH. It was a bit interesting to see some of the ways they keep the animals that we will soon eat. We stopped at an apple orchard, there I got[…]

country roads

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Published on: September 18, 2004

I would have to say drive in country roads is a different experience, when I look at these roads I see a road that I think would be a 35MPH road, but they are 55MPH, it is a different feeling to go so fast on such roads, first they are are only 2 lanes (one[…]

An OS is a choice, a child is not

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Published on: September 16, 2004

Yesterday while sitting at work, I had that slogan come to my mind. I though it was cool, and wondered what kind of pro-life group could use it. Well being a geek I don’t think there are any geeks for life groups so, I though hay why not,I might not have all the time in[…]

I got this in the email and thought it should be posted here

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Published on: September 15, 2004

Bushs National Guard years Before you fall for Dems spin, here are the facts What do you really know about George W. Bushs time in the Air National Guard? That he didnt show up for duty in Alabama? That he missed a physical? That his daddy got him in? News coverage of the presidents years[…]

I dislike driving some times

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Published on: September 4, 2004

Well today I had to go out to the south hills to meet with my mother. I do love my mother, but I really hate to drive. Traffic is evil IMHO. take today for example, it took me and hour to go from my church to the Fort Pitt tunnels. But to go the same[…]

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