I know the creators say they will not let people know what state the Simpsons live in, but I think we can get it down to a region. Well here is where I am coming from. To the best of my knowledge Principal Skinner has spent his life in Springfield (except for the time he[…]
Tonight a bunch of my friends and I went out to the Church Brew works to celebrate my 30th that was yesterday.
I tried to record my practicing, I used my palm pilot to try to record it. There was a problem as I was try to record it to the SD card, it was recording every 5th second so when I tried to play it back it was only 5 minutes long and just sounded so[…]
Due to spam I have set a limit you can only post one comment every 5 minutes. If I have to I will up that time, but for now I will test the 5 minutes rule.
Well I took tomorrow off, I planned this some time last month. I am going to sleep in tomorrow, then I will hit Matins tomorrow at church. I will probably come home and read. Why did I take tomorrow off, why would some one take a Thursday off. Well first I had 6 vacation days[…]
Today, I asked two of my friends Terry and Rob to go with me when I went to vote, I was worried because back in 2004 moveon was doing aggressive campaigning inside the polling places, and there was almost no privacy on the new voting booths. I was glad when I went in and saw[…]
Dan at Necessary Roughness asked the following question “I don’t know anything about your whistle, but one # in the key of G makes for slightly more readability than two-sharp D 🙂 Not that big a difference though.” To my Post on about transposing “A Mighty Fortress” But since I can not do table formatting[…]
There was a fire up at Concordia. I wish to send my best to any one that lives there. I know one person that lives there, I am just glad he was at church today as he is every Sunday. So he was safe at our church when the problem happend. He right now is[…]
Well today in the Music Theory course I am taking, I learned how to transpose music when it comes to my Instrument (the Tin Whistle) Which can only play stuff in the key signature of D major, G major, E minor, and B minor. I started some work (I will probably finish tomorrow) on taking[…]
If you tried to post a comment in the last couple of weeks, sorry, I was trying a new anti-spam setup, and well I guess everything was being considered spam. I have turned off the thing so you should be able to comment again.
I just entered the last 31.09 miles from my bike computer up here so my total miles for this year are 1045.10 for the year, so I guess for next year my goal should be 1200 miles.
Yes you read that right today is Reformation Day. This day in 1517 Luther posted his 95 Theses on the Church door in Wittenberg. Also if you have children I hope they had a good and safe Halloween, I do feel sorry for the kids in the Pittsburgh region, since it rained tonight. I also[…]
Does any one want to hear some of the Christmas Carols I have been practicing as of late. If any one want to hear some of them I am willing to record them and convert them to mp3’s and upload them here. So does any one want to hear any of them. The ones that[…]
The Pictures from the Pittsburgh Area Reformation Celebration for this year are up now.
Well since the daylight change, and that the sun is setting so close to 5, and that it is getting colder, I think the biking season is over for me. I will probably just walk to work for the winter. I will put the last of my miles up later.