Merry Christmas to every one.
Merry Christmas to every one.
(Young single guy that is . . .) My mother dropped off my presents for Christmas that she and my dad got me this year at my apartment, I must be the only single young guy that did not rush to open them, they are still wrapped under my tree (well except 3 since they[…]
I just tested all the bulbs in my main 100 light strain, there were only 17 that worked, and 83 were bad. I need to find a place that I can get some replacement bulbs for it. I know I could just by a new 100 strain but I don’t see it good to just[…]
Well my account was full, I was wondering why I did not get any email for the last few days, well over 50 Megabytes were full of spam in my spam filter folders, I have deleted those, and clean up some room on my account. I have deleted some photos from my photo album (Biking[…]
Well the cold drove me off my bike for the season, so I was walking to work, it was not that bad, but it is getting colder. So I picked up a bus pass, I miss my free bus pass when I worked at CMU.
I know I have not tried this game before, I did not like the idea of posable going around and people coming up and just killing you for no reason. But with a free 10 day free trial, what have I had to loss except a little bit of time. Well it turns out you[…]
Well today was the day we did the caroling over at Family House, those months of practice have come to a head. Over all I think it went well. So I the first time I did a public performance is over, and I am glad it is over because I was so nervous. I wanted[…]
I just saw on Fox news that Walmart sales for yesterday were down 10%, but they did not report why, but I think I know why. I got this email from the AFA on Nov 21 of 2006. — Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by[…]
A year or two ago, my parents gave me a DVD “Creating The Lord of the Rings Symphony” In a tune labeled “The Shire” I hear a familiar sounding instrument, I look over at the screen (I am listening to it and not watching) and I see a Tin Whistle, I think to my self[…]
I am over at my parents place, but I wanted to just log on to wish all a happy thanks giving, I hope you had a good one.
This still gives me a rush. What is it, it is where I give a first run test of some code I wrote. When I run it for the first time, and the code I wrote runs as I had planned on as I wrote it. It gives me such a rush when I see[…]
I just have to edit out the talking, we did a lot of BS while we where practicing and I want to take some of that out. I just don’t have the time tonight. (I still have to post 2 other podcasts that I have the recording for too.)
I have turned on Hotlink protection for my site. If you find a page on my site set, please let me know what page. I do not wish to let myspace people steal my bandwidth.
Well it took me alot time of work, but I finally got the iBook to a usable state. I been unusable for over a year, but now that I been doing some work on the hardware and put Linux oneit, it seems to be working fine, the only thing I need to get done on[…]
We might be adding “Oh Holy Night” to the Dec 1 singing. I am practising it on the Tin Whistle. And ouch those high g a and b notes are harsh, right now I can tell I am missing it up big time they just sound so wrong (well at lest to me)