Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : October 23, 2005

A freq for hams and scanners to listen to

Categories: Ham Radio, News
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Published on: October 23, 2005

The W3YJ repeater has linked up to echo link to the Hurricane net in monitor mode. This will allow us to listen to it, and still retain the use of the repeater if we need to. So if you are a ham or have a scanner tune to 443.45 to hear the news of Hurricane[…]

Why are shows like “COPS” so popular

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: October 23, 2005

Wired is running an article on how the book “Police Call” is ending its publication run. They made a comment in it that I never really thought of. Scanning of the “Public Safety” bands was just the precursor to shows like COPS. It looks like TV has hurt another hobby. The show “COPS” just puts[…]

DVR and older Hockey games

Categories: Hockey, Technology
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Published on: October 23, 2005

Back on the 16th of this month I had my DVR record the Vancouver Canucks vs the Dallas Stars. And I just watched it today. It was a good game, during the second period of the game the two teams go into some really good hockey. There was a good amount of time where there[…]

October 2005
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