The NHC is now tracking Hurrican Rita in the Atlantic plus a sceond one (there are 3 in the Pacific) There is also another Tropical System that might form into something in the next 36 hours. We are flying though the names this year, I wonder if we are going to go to Tropical Storm Alpha this year, what do my readers think. Last year Otto did not come until Nov, this year we are at Rita, and the next one name should be Stan.
UPDATE: Do to the massive comments here; I am disabling comments for this post. This is not the place to look for information on what to do about the Hurricane, or information on where it will hit. For information on what to do contact your local authorities, and for information for where it might strike look at the National Weather Service, or the Weather channel, or again contact your local authorities they should have the info you need, and instructions you should follow. Also any one in the area that the Hurricane might hit, you have my prays.
Hurricane Rita
Welcome , today is Monday, February 17, 2025
Question: When the Houston refugees are evacuated out of the collapsing Astrodome after Hurricane Rita, which is the next, closest domed stadium to where they can be bussed?
No monkey, unlike the Dome in New Orleans. It wasn’t built by the lowest bidder, Besides if you have digged further back it lasted through Tropical Storm Alician, Hurrican Alicia Cat 3 and Carolina,and it still stood. I guess things are just built better in Houston
I have a question and would appreciate a response. I live in Anaheim, California, but my family just moved to San Antonio Texas. I would like to know if there’s a real danger of the hurricane hitting the city of San Antonio.
If someone would respond I would really appreciate it.
Rita wouldn’t really hit San Antonio, but the city would experience rain and wind.
I live in South Africa,my daughter & grandkids live in Austin after watching CNN re N.Orl we,re rather anxious for their safety what are the chances of a simular tradegy occuring in Austin
it should not hurt Austin if you look at this page,+Tx&spn=6.667724,10.353516&hl=en you will se that Austin is to far inland, the main problem with N. Orl was that it was on the coast and below sea level. Austin is further in land and about 500ft above sea level, so we should not see much (if any) flooding of Austin.
Why don’t the states that are affected by hurricans and other natural disasters evacuate people in danger to the military bases that are being closed all over the US?
I should have said that Austin shuold get hit but we will not see the kind of damage there that we saw in N. Orl. N. Orl is an atipical thing, we should not see many like that.
i’m in abilene tx will it come any where near me?
I am not a meteorologist, but from what I can see, it looks like you will get the edges of it. I would guess at the worst you will see Cat 1 winds, but I would guess more likely tropical storm or tropical depression strength wind, I would check out for more information.
Here is the exact page you should watch for the info you need,
Thanks Michael for your prompt reply we feel reassured.For the pass 5yrs we,ve visited Tx &have done a bit of fishing from S.Padre to Galveston we pray that those good people will be safe.
Using the closed army bases is a great idea… wonder why it hasn’t happened? There are houses and bathroms and all sorts of necessaries there!!! May the great Creator remember all those people and open the hearts of those who can help. It will bring mankind to a more kindly state to be of love and service to those victims of the storms.
I hope and pray that everybody makes it through this storm. I lived in Corpus Christi, texas before and it’s no joke even a catagory 2 or 3 is bad i counldn’t even image what a catagory 3 or 4 would be like. all my prayers is out for all victims of any storm.
i feel sorry for hurrican rita which is the place it is going to be the hurrican im in the place it going to live
Hi is this hurrican rita going to affect cuba as i am worried about family that are flying out today . thanks
Well it did affect cuba already, but I think it was still a cat 1 at that time. But if your family is flying out today, I don’t know how Rita would affect the fight, call the airline to find out more infomation.
about How much will rita cover of texas
James I do not know that. check out the NWS for more infomation on this stuff.
Do you think its very likely we will see Cat 1 winds and damage in Dallas, TX from this? Dallas is completely unprepared for this sort of thing. Ew… I hope the Trinity River doesn’t flood and cover us all in a blanket of radioactive sewage. (joking through fear makes me feel better)
Good luck to all of you who are afraid that a hurricane will hit your state may god keep you safe and may he bless you.
I live in beaumont texas and i was wondering where would we evacuate to if it becomes mandatory. How will we know where to go to get transportation if needed
If we have nothin to come abck to when to hurricane is over will the presdent help people with our homes if we have nothin to come back to if it is destroyed?
I don’t know what will happen, but I am sure Bush will do what he is allowed to do by federal law, I will pray that every one in Texas will not have to find out the answer, I will pray that there will not be that much damage.
samual , i dont think it will hit there i live in silsbee Tx that is my opoion.
i live in houston tx, what is the worst i can expect?
I don’t know, but listen to your radio, or watch the local news station. If they say get out, then get out. It does not look good it is a Cat 5 with wind speeds of 175MPG. So find out what the athorities say to do, and do it. Call your local police for info.
do you know what is going to happen to katy,texas?
No, but as I said before contact your local police for info and instructions.
If it is still a cat 4 when it gets to Katy, tx, will it knock houses down? Or will we be safe inside our homes?