The radios

Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: August 15, 2005

I have a friend that I promised that would get to him a picture of my radios. This picture was taken around 8pm, so you hams in Pittsburgh will know what I am listening to on the Icom (display reads 146.730MHz)

This picture has my Short Wave Radio, the Police Scanner, my HT and my Icom “moble” radio. Also if you click on the picture you will get a larger view of it.

  1. Rob says:

    Nice setup! Which bands for the HT and mobile?

  2. The HT is a Yaesu VX-5R and can do 6 meters, 2 meters and 70 cm. The mobile can do 2 meters, it is a Icom IC-2100. I also have (not shown, nor is it setup) an Alinco DR-605 that can do 2 meters and 70 cm.

  3. Rob says:

    Nice! I’ll have to get a picture up of my radios. Actually, I have to get an antenna up for anything not an HT. I lost the antenna farm when our pine tree came down.

    I so love soldering coax, at least more than I like climbing up on that roof.

  4. Good luck on getting those antenna’s up. I have to be a bit more creative with my antenna’s since I live in an apartment. May I ask what your call is, mine is kb3hcg

  5. kb3iby says:

    I like the setup you have there. I have never given a lot of thought to shortwave listening. My elevation here in Waynesburg is just below 1400 feet. It could make for some interesting finds out there.
    Sorry I didn’t get back to you with cycling directions for the WPLUG picnic. From reading your blog, I see that you got there, and back okay.

  6. Thanks the setup is nice. 1440 feet wow you could get some nice signals. I am at about 730 feet (plus what ever the hight the floor I am on gives me) I can hite the 147.03 repeater from where I live on 10 watts. But if I get on I will usally do 443.450 or 147.09.

    And no problem on not getting back to me on the directions, I had fun finding the place so it was worth it.

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