Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : October 2004

The clip of the service where Erica is brought in as a member.

Categories: Church
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Published on: October 24, 2004

For those of you who want to see the part of the service where Erica is brought into membership at first trinity to see the whole service the full hour and 15 minutes click here. Enjoy. Or to download the whole thing click here and remember to change the extension from mv to mov

The church service today

Categories: Church
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Published on: October 24, 2004

Ok since Erica was received into membership at First Trinity, she asked me if I could record the service for her, so here is the whole service all one hour and fifteen minutes of it. Enjoy. Click on the read more to see the video!! If you wish to download the movie instead you can[…]


Categories: Church
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: October 24, 2004

Today a friend of mine Erica just be came a member of First Trinity you can see pictures taken today of it. I will post some videos later, as soon as the mac finishes incoding the quicktime movie of it.

The final update about the gateway laptop’s hard drive

Categories: Technology
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Published on: October 24, 2004

It has finally finished the bad block scan of the hard drive on the gateway laptop the finally total of usable space is 2713940 usable blocks out of 29302528 blocks. Next for the shear masochistic fun of it, I am going to install Linux on it, and do a stress test of it, and see[…]


Categories: Geekdom, Play, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 23, 2004

Why do I spend so much time on Slashdot? It is fun at times, but for the most part it’s sophomoric for the most part. I should start trying to wean my self of Slashdot. It is in my best interest. But for some reason I always go back to it, it is like it[…]

Run for the hills

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: October 23, 2004

It looks like nerd season is open, we need to start running for the hills, see here for more info. Run, run for the hills.

Either google is going to change how things are done

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 23, 2004

Either google is going to do a update to how they do searches, or they got lost on my site, or the googlebot really loves my site. For fun I have been checking the cache of my site a google every day, and it seems to be updated once a day! I wonder if being[…]

The boxes continue to attack

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Published on: October 23, 2004

I keep moving boxes out of my place, boxes full of stuff. I did not realize I had so much stuff. Looking at the apartment I still don’t know where I kept it all. I have found some off site storage till moving day. And I have almost filled up that place with boxes and[…]

A bit of moving the computers around

Categories: News
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Published on: October 23, 2004

Today (tonight) I figured I needed to move some of my computers around. I put the windows box next to the Linux box. I did this because I use x2vnc to control the windows box mainly, but having them on 2 different desks meant that I had to turn around when I started to use[…]

Photograhs over at deviantart

Categories: Play
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Published on: October 23, 2004

I am right now submitting some photographs over at Deviant Art. You can see my page there under my name there mpost4 but there is not much there and all of the stuff there is already here in my Photo section here Along with allot more Pictures I have taken.


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Published on: October 23, 2004

Milk does not last long in my place, I just bought a 1/2 gallon yesterday, and well I finished it off today. And I want some milk right now. maybe I should buy by the gallon instead of 1/2 gallons.

Got this joke in the mail and though I would post it here

Categories: Hay it is funny, Politics
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Published on: October 22, 2004

There’s a teacher in a small Massachusetts town. She asks her class how many of them are John Kerry fans. Not really knowing what a Kerry fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raise their hands except one boy, Johnny. The teacher asks Johnny why he has decided to[…]

This is a pain

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Published on: October 22, 2004

Right now some one decided that they did not want to talk on their cell phone in the office, so now they are in the hall, and talking very loudly, I don’t care about the car trouble that the person that they are talking to is having. I will people would have more courtesy when[…]

Talk shows

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Published on: October 22, 2004

I think I am becoming a talk show junkie. There are 2 talk shows I just hate missing. And I enjoy listening to talk shows in general, it is the only radio I can stand now. If I want music I will listen to my music collection, I will never don’t listen to music on[…]

Google and blogs

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: October 21, 2004

In the age of blogging, their searches have returned some interesting stuff. Just today I was looking at a list of were people come from when they come to my web site. And one was from a search on google for banning Russian IP address. For some reason I was the 8th hit. It saw[…]

October 2004
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