A small change to the site

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: September 22, 2004

Alot of people have requested that I kill the frames on my page. So many so that I have gone ahead and removed the frames. I hope that people are happy with the new look of the site, I have moved the navigation bar from the left frame to a table on the right side of the blog page. I will be adding links back to the home page in all the other pages as soon as I can figure out PHP. Just look for the Site Links at the right just below the Navigation box. I would really like some feed back from people do you all like it better with out the frames?

1 Comment
  1. MacZilla says:

    Well, I aggree with the people that asked you to remove the frame on the left. It didn’t go together with this blog.
    Good luck on finding out how to update the php. I suggest linking another page similar to the props.


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