I was in a chat with 2 of my friends and we started to talk about what would happen if Bill Gates ran for the Presidency. Would you vote for him? What do you think he would do in office? What party do you think he would be. How about Steve Jobs, Linus?
Just for the fun of it, I got two of my friends into a debate over what they think if Bill Gates ran for Presidency, now for my readers what do you think? the debate between my friends was just so funny.
Well I been looking into things and came across this site of the constitution party And here is what is getting my attention Sanctity of Life Religious Freedom I am not so sure on this one Taxes I HATE taxes as much as the next person, but we can not just cut them, there are[…]
I have started a new web site that is just in its infancy, it is Geeks For Life. The main thing there right now is the Comunity forum. If you are pro-life and a computer geek go on there and register, maybe we can get a large geek group of pro-lifers together and get some[…]