Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : News

This is sad, and wrong

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: December 13, 2005

The Dawn Patrol is reporting that Planned Parenthood Golden Gate is in a way boasting that they covered up a rape of a 11 year old girl by here then 17 years old boy friend. In their quest to “protect a womans right” to murder their unborn child, they break the law, and alowe a[…]

Intelligent Design: We have some new allies in this debate, and they are not Christians

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 13, 2005

The Sun Sentinel in Florida is running a story on how a Orthodox Jewish group is joining in on the fight for Intelligent Design. I will admit I am not surprised by it, since the book of Geneses is the first book of the Bible (the Old Testament) and the Old Testament comes right out[…]

Some protest a death in CA, but the same would love to see a child murdered in MA

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: December 13, 2005

The Free Republic is reprinting a story from the AP. On how in MA a child is going to be put to death by the state. The child’s only crime is to be beaten by a bad father. Yet yesterday in CA liberals were all upset that a convicted killer was going to be put[…]

Trinity Concert Series Presents “Caroling, Caroling!” as sung by The University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club

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Published on: December 10, 2005

I posted this last sunday, but just want to post it a second time to make sure it gets out Tomorrow (December 11) at 3:00 PM our church (First Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church) will be hosting The University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club, as they do a concert called “Caroling, Caroling” a Program of Holiday Music.[…]

Winter Weather

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Published on: December 8, 2005

If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please be advised that the NWS is predicting allot of snow to night, so please be careful.

More on the Mirecki story

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Published on: December 8, 2005

Michelle Malkin has a good long review of the Mirecki story, and reasons it might not be a true beating, as it was first claimed to be.

I would hate to be the child of this “woman”

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Published on: December 8, 2005

lifesite.net has a article on how a Scottish “woman” is suing an abortionist for failing to kill both of her twins. The child that survived the attempted murder is now 4 years old. I would hate to be that poor child, I can image how the “mother” probably continues to remind that poor child that[…]

The story of Mirecki seams to be falling apart

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Published on: December 8, 2005

I just saw a post over at WorldNetDaily that talked about how the story of the beating of Mirecki seams to have some holes. Also the way the blogs and most news sites have been reporting the beating seams to be wrong. Many that are reporting about it, says the class was canceled after the[…]

Can I call it or can I call it

Categories: Geekdom, News, Technology
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Published on: November 21, 2005

C|net is running a story saying that TiVo is going to do what I said probably would happen back on the 15th of this month. and that is move recorded TV to a iPod video. Boy can I call them.

That is it I am never buy a CD again

Categories: News, Technology
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: November 17, 2005

John Dvorak (Passably one of the greatest opinion writers out there) has a entry on yet another DRM program (yet another root kit, that damages the users computers) that the RIAA is using to hurt their customers. At this point, I am save since my music is all done on my eMac, but it is[…]

In sweeden it is now legal to hunt Mythical Creatures

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Published on: November 10, 2005

Radio Sweeden is running an artical on how now it is now legal to hunt a mythical creature, apparently this mythical creature was listed on the endangered species list. I find that funny, that a creature that does not exist is listed as a n endangered species list, hay lets add dragons to the US’s[…]

What is up in France?

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Published on: November 8, 2005

I have been reading a lot of news stories off of the BBC about the violence in France. The way the BBC is reporting it, you would think that right now that there is more violence in France right now then in Iraq.

Democrats defeat election-law aid for bloggers

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 3, 2005

C-Net is running an artical on a bill in the house that failed. the bill was a good one, it would have codified that blogs are free expresion, and therefor immunize bloggers from campain fincance reform, the democrates want to regulate what is said on blogs. We might not be able to link to canidates,[…]

A freq for hams and scanners to listen to

Categories: Ham Radio, News
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Published on: October 23, 2005

The W3YJ repeater has linked up to echo link to the Hurricane net in monitor mode. This will allow us to listen to it, and still retain the use of the repeater if we need to. So if you are a ham or have a scanner tune to 443.45 to hear the news of Hurricane[…]

Tropical Storm Alpha

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Published on: October 22, 2005

We finally made it, we have Tropical Storm Alpha. Cool this is our 22 named storm of the season. I wonder how many more we can get, the end of the season is at the end of November. This storm is very close to Wilma, and they will get closer as time goes by. I[…]

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