Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Misc (no other place to put this stuff)

Religion and marriage

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Published on: February 13, 2006

Rob over at UnSpace has an artical abuot some one that is doing a dissertation on Christian spirituality and marriage. She is has a Questionare up on the web and is asking Marred Christians to fill it out. I am not able to take it since I don’t meet the requierments. Rob as asked if[…]

What will be said next year?

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Published on: February 13, 2006

I know in Pittsburgh we have been saying “One for the Tumb” for so long. Now what will we say next year when the Stealers go to the Super Bowl? Will we be saying “One for the other Tumb”? or what?

It is Half Time

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Published on: February 5, 2006

Yes this non-football fan is watching the Super Bowl, I am because I am at my churches Super Bowl Party. And this is cool we are leading 7 to 3. Also check out Robs site unspace.net he has alot of Super Bowl Links.

Tagged… I’m It: Meme of Four

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Published on: February 3, 2006

I have been taged by Small But Disorganized so I guess I should anser it [b]Four Jobs I’ve Had[/b] 1. Computer Programmer (CMU and current) 2. Computer Operator (CMU) 3. Undergrad Teaching Assistance (at Pitt) 4. Software installer (for my old high school, well it was installing Windows 95 on some computers so not really[…]

One of my Favorit Pictures from Monday

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Published on: January 25, 2006

As I said yesterday, I got to get my picture taken with Rick Santorum. Well here is the picture. Some one on Monday said if I print it up, and mail it to him, I might be able to get him to sign it and send it back, I am very tempted to try to[…]

Word Orgy

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Published on: January 24, 2006

I have a friend that has a friend that is doing research on a book about Homeless people in the US. you can see it at http://poetrysedge.blogspot.com


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Published on: January 24, 2006

I wanted to post the pictures I took yesterday, but I like an idiot left my camra in Dans car (Dan is the guy that gave me a lift to the March for Life) He will be dropping it off tomorrow to me, so I hope to have the pictures up on the net tomorrow[…]

Just got back from the March for Life

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Published on: January 23, 2006

I just got back from the March for Life in DC. I will post my pictures tomorrow. I got some good pictures. But for now, I am tired and am looking forward to some sleep.

Posted a link to my del.iois.us bookmarks

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Published on: January 14, 2006

For any one that might want to look at my bookmark list you can check out http://del.icio.us/mpop to see the kind of sites I bookmark. I runs from things Techy to Political, to Religous.

I finally found out why all shower heads suck

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Published on: January 10, 2006

The Bureaucrat in Your Shower has the explanation why all show heads now suck. My last APT had a good show head, it felt good to shower in it. My new place the shower head sucks, it comes out at spite speed, it does not feel like I am showering it feels like I am[…]

Question: what is your oppion on del.icio.us

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Published on: January 10, 2006

I have a friend that just loves, del.icio.us and I am wondering what my other friends think about it. I am wondering if it would be a better way to store and share my link, also is there a script I can use that will read my links and build it into a web page[…]

Took the Christmas tree down today

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Published on: January 6, 2006

Well I took the Christmas tree down, since today was the last day of Christmas. The middle of my apartment looks a bit empty where the tree was, even though it was only 3 feet tall. Well the stuff is now packed away for another year.

Ouch my back

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Published on: December 28, 2005

I think I pulled something in my back, for the last week it has been having a dull pain. Then on Monday it started to hurt allot. Today (Tuesday) I was doing some work with my Pastor (we or working on the computers for the church) and when I was moving a monitor, felt like[…]


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Published on: December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to all. And to all a good night.

Christmas Meme

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Published on: December 24, 2005

1. Hot Chocolate or apple cider? Hot, spiced apple cider,I don’t like Chocolate 2. Turkey or Ham? Ham, don’t like Turkey 3. Do you get a Fake or Real you cut it yourself christmas tree? Fake. I can not justify blowing that much money on something that is going to be trashed in less then[…]

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