Well today at church the 3 trustee’s stayed after church, to do some work on the “serving” room upstars. It needs to be done soon since 2 people in our church will be getting married at the end of this month, and the reseption will be in the church. We spent the day striping more[…]
Well as I posted a few days ago, the Wards just had their baby. Well today that child now has been welcomed in to the church via the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The child is now a child of God. The child’s old Adam has now been drowned in the waters of baptism, and a[…]
Well today I went out for a bit of a bike ride. I figured it would be a good way to try to get use to the new pedals on the bike. I was not really prepared for them today, I went down twice as I tried to get out of them while stopping. I[…]
Well it looks like the Tour De France starts tomorrow. There is no way I can watch it live, but I have set my DVR to record it every morning. So I will be able to watch ever night when I get home. Today I heard that some riders were barred for using drugs. Is[…]
I got this one in the email from a friend —– The Pope took a couple of days off to visit the mountains of Alaska for some sight-seeing. He was cruising along the campground in the Pope mobile when there was a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. A helpless Democrat, wearing[…]
I am trying to get a few friends together for July 4th this year. I am hoping to go biking with some friends, stop for some lunch as some out of the way place, and end up at the North Shore to watch the Fire Works this year. If I could get that done, I[…]
I wish to send a congradulations out to my friends the Wards, their child was born late Monday night.
Well I headded up to Bike Tek today today because I need new tires and breaks for my bike. My back tire had no tred left. And my breaks had no breaking power left in it. While I was up there I decided to spoile my self too, I picked up some clipless pedels and[…]
It seems the more I get caught up on things the farther I fall behind on staying on top of things. I keep getting things in my todo list, and it seems that the list grows faster then I can knock things off of it. One of these days, I will be able to site[…]
I am sorry about the lack of posts. I have not really been on the computer at home much in the last week. I will admit I also was behind of posting the mp3’s for my churches podcast site. I have finally got around to the computer, and done some blog stuff, and got the[…]
If you are a Ham Radio Operator, you know that last weekend was field day. I went to W3KWH’s field day. It was interesting, and a bit fun. I did some on SWL also, and did a little bit of contacting some people. You can see my pictures I took at my photo section of[…]
I have a friend who’s son got hit by a car. Today he said he found out that in a pedestrian vs car accident, the car insurance of the pedestrian is responsible for the medical bills. I sure hope that he misquoted or was give bad info. My question is if he has right information,[…]
Kaethe Ward is due today, so she should be giving birth to her and Johnathen’s first child any day soon. So I just want to send the best of luck to them. I hope all goes well when the child is born. They have elected not to know the the gender of the child until[…]
Well my church just changed over from using the hymnals during the service to printing up the service in the bulletin. I do not like it much. I have let a few people know that I don’t like it nor will I be using it. They have changed the liturgy. Also the Gradual, intro, and[…]
Up at the Easter District Conference CPH was there. They had a book out that was a collection of Hymns written by one Rev. Stephen P. Starke. I picked it up with the hope that it my have a few tunes I could play with on my Irish Tin Whistle. Also Rev. Starke was up[…]