Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : April 2021

Games as a service is fraud.

Categories: Games, Technology
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Published on: April 30, 2021

I found this the other day, and he is right games as a service is fraud.

With the news lately on digital stuff, it turning to be good news for those that are proponents of physical copies.

Categories: Geekdom, News, Politics, Technology
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Published on: April 29, 2021

Over the last little over a month 2 news stories have propelled those of us that are proponents of physical copies arguments as being stronger. first there was the news story of Sony shutting down the PS3/PSP/Vite stores (true they back tracked on that but only for the PS3/Vita, it still happening to the PSP[…]

If you don’t keep your data on your local devices do you really own it.

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 28, 2021

Here is a reason you don’t want to place your data in the hands of another do you even own your own data anymore. If a company decides they don’t want you on their services anymore you loss “your” data, you loss “your” digital content, you loss “your” apps. Another issue I covered is the[…]

A very good read

Categories: Politics
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Published on: April 27, 2021

Why is it suddenly ok to ask people about there private medical history We are losing our freedoms by the day, even the freedom of privacy. Well with the FBI and CIA wanting backdoor into encryption and the like I should not be surprised.

Youtube gives themselfs an award for free speech

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Published on: April 21, 2021

So Youtube thinks they are a bastion of frees speech. On of the largest violators of free speach (facebag and twatter being the other two) is giving themselves an award for free speech. Just look at all the people they banned for “wrong think” over the years. They are so free speech, they free people[…]

The Sony PS3 and Vita stores

Categories: Games
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Published on: April 19, 2021

I saw this posted today while for those that fell into the digital only game trap, this is good news, it does not give any comfort I would say, as it still can go down in the future. It does not make me take back my thoughts on digital vs physical game. I am still[…]


Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: April 16, 2021

I will admit that even with all my ranting against the streaming future even I fell into it with Anima. But now I am working on fixing that, especially with the closing of the Sony PS3/PSP/Vita stores. I am starting to buy the ones I like on DVD/Blueray. It going to take some time. I[…]

Over the last 3 months

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Published on: April 10, 2021

Over the last 3 months, I have worked to pull my data off of the web, and take more control over my data. Things are going along. My email, I now use Claw for the email client instead of a web client, for my calendar I use JPilot calendar instead of google calander. I have[…]

The PS4 Time “issue”

Categories: Games, Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 8, 2021

With the talk of digital vs Physical games, the digital proponents have been talking about how the PS4 need to sync it clock to the PSN. Or things will not work, they claim that in the future if the PSN shuts down that PS4 physical games will not be playable because if the battery dies[…]

Palm 3e

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 7, 2021

With the shutdown of the Sony PSP, Vita, and PS3 store. Also with places like facebag and twatter banning conservatives a lot. And finding that google does over tracking (see my post where I found that to use google drive it goes though one of their analytic sites instead) I have been thinking of what[…]

April 2021
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