Oh Holy Night

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: November 15, 2006

We might be adding “Oh Holy Night” to the Dec 1 singing. I am practising it on the Tin Whistle. And ouch those high g a and b notes are harsh, right now I can tell I am missing it up big time they just sound so wrong (well at lest to me)

  1. Korah Winn says:

    Hi, Mike. I just moved to Belfast in September and I bought a tin whistle. I am teaching myself and I was looking for Christmas carols. I’m humming “O, Little Town of Bethlehem” almost every other day now. 🙂 I saw in a previous post that you are able to record songs and post them. Could you put up a few of the carols so I can practice along with you. 🙂 Oh, and happy belated birthday.

    Sincerely (from some random American girl you don’t know.)

  2. I will try to put something up shortly after Thanksgiving (this comming Thursday)

    Also you might want to not do “O Little Town of Bethlehem” The problem with that song is it has a A# in it, unless you know how to make an A#, I have been told that if you half cover the hole for A then you can (if done right can get the A#. And that tune has 2 A#’s in it. a good tune would be “We Three Kings” or “God Rest ye Merry Gentiemen” If you are intersted I can post the sheet music for you here.

  3. Kaethe Ward says:

    Mike–PLEASE don’t make us sing O Holy Night. That’s the one song we requested not to have. As beautiful as it is, unless you are a professional singer it does not sound good AT ALL. I don’t want the people at Family House to regret us coming. 🙂

    Maybe that could just be an instrumental piece?

  4. Kaethe, don’t worry the plan was not for you all to sing it, The plan Joe and I had was, I would play it on the Tin Whistle, and he (Joe) and Erica would be the only singers.

    I have been practicing it, it is a really complex piece to play. It really rips the moisture out of my mouth, my lips are sore tonight after 5 runs though for the practice.

    Also Kaethe, if you want Joe and I will be getting together tomorrow night to practice, you want to come over and give your 2 cents. (call me, and I will give you the details about when and where)

    Also to all my friends that might be interested I am planning to record Joe and my practicing, The question remains should I put it up raw and unedited, or should I edit out the bad stuff.

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