Well I think I passed the point with the Tin Whistle where I can see myself some day being OK on it. Right now I am going though my 2 hymnals. Yes I own 2 hymnals, I got them a few years back so I can use the liturgy sections, Matins and Vespers. I am now starting to go looking though the hymn sections for hymns I can in theory play on the Tin Whistle, I have to find ones that are in either the Key of G or D. I do not know as of yet how to transpose music from one key to another, so I can only look for music that is written in the key that the Tin Whistle can do. Also I am now able to look at the notes and know what holes on the Whistle to cover, I don’t need the crutches that the other books I have give. I am very happy with this, there are still some of the higher notes that I still have some trouble with, they would be the high E, high F, and high G. So right now I am going though the hymns looking for hymns in those keys (G and D) and marking them down in a separate note book for future reference. I still need allot of practice on the 1/8 notes and timing, but I believe that will come with time.
I also ordered on line a new Whistle, it was $30, I got a chance to try one like it before I went to get it, so I know it is better, the one I have now is ok to start out with, it is cheap ($8) and gives you an idea, and you can start to learn on it, but I think it is time for me to take a step up to a little bit better one.
Passed the point of no return on the Tin Whistle
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