Bat in the church today

Categories: Church, Random Thoughts
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: March 18, 2006

Well today, as I was working on some of the computers for the church (I am still working on them at this time) a bat got into the lecture hall. There were some of the ladies from the church in there doing some scrap booking. Well they were not to happy about the bat in the room, so I was asked if I could get it out. Well I remember from when I was in 7 and 8 grad my sister use to keep buggies, and when they would get out we would use a blanket to try to catch them. So I grabbed a blanket and started to send it in the direction the bat was as it flew by. On the 3rd shot, BINGO! the poor bat fell to the ground with the blanket. The blanket did not cover the poor animal, so I pulled the blanket back and set it back on top of the bat. At that point I let the bat out outside. Later that day I was asked why I did not kill the bat. I will have to say I can not think of hurting a poor little bat just for getting stuck in the church, it just dose not seam right to me to kill one of God’s creates for no reason, and besides I think the bat was cute.
Some of the ladies started to call me “bat man” for catching the bat.

  1. Rob says:

    Why would anyone want to kill the bat?

    Thanks for helping the poor creature. They eat mosquitos and other insects. They’re great to have around, especially in the summer!

    If the bat understood, it would appreciate what you did, too.

  2. Agreed, how could one want to hurt a bat, they were afread it would get back in, but if I was the bat, I would avoid the place after such a large monster (that would be me catching the poor animal) came after me.

    I wish it could understand, but oh well, I wish it the best of luck, it probably got in via the bell tower, and probably headed back to the tower after it got its bearings. I think there are some bats that live up there.

    I did tell them that if they ever find a bat again, just to call me, I will catch it, and let it go outside. That is part of the reason they started to call me “bat man”

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