New Logo for my site, a new icon for me

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Published on: February 23, 2006

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. So with that in mind I have worked on a new icon for myself. I hope that maybe some day it will become synonymous with me, just as many know my by mpop, and when they hear mpop or see mpop they think of me, these people are my friends at WPLUG. The new logo is at the right of this post. I hope to make a larger version of it later.
Let me explain what the icon has in it. First the base of the image is the O’Connor Family Crest (hay this is because I am an O’Connor), above the Family Crest is a modified version of the Luther Seal (this is because I am a Lutheran), the modification I made to the Luther Seal was to replace the black cross in the center of the red heart with a gray Celtic Cross (since my family name comes down from an Irish heritage). Finally I have on both sides of the O’Connor family crest 2 penguins, Tux the Penguin the Linux mascot, this is because I am really big into Linux. I believe these images on the icon I made help to describe who I am.
I would love to hear what my friends think about the new icon I have put together. If the response is positive, I am thinking I might try to get it printed up an put on a T-shirt for myself, or would that be to egotistical?
Also if you click on the image to the right you can see a larger version of it.

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