Having friends over for dinner

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Published on: January 5, 2006

Tonight I had a friend of mine (and his wife) over for dinner. My friend Mike is an old collage buddy of mine, that helped me get my current job. I made meatloaf for them. I know what you might be thinking “meatloaf?” but that is because you never had it the way I make it. I make it the same way my mother made it when I was a kid (no I can not give the recipe out she made me promise not to) and it is not like most meat-loafs you have had. First there is no glaze on it, it does not need it. I always love having people over for food. Normally I don’t cook (I hate doing the dishes) but when I have people over I will make some stuff, I am not half bad at cooking, if I do say myself.

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