Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : December 15, 2005

What % of what belives in a god.

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Published on: December 15, 2005

Rob at unspace has a good break down of one of Gallup Poll poll’s about who belives in a god. Warning though if you don’t want to think it might hurt you head read.

Embryonic Stem Cell takes another hit.

Categories: News, Politics, Technology
Comments: Comments Off on Embryonic Stem Cell takes another hit.
Published on: December 15, 2005

The BBC has a story on how the “pioneer” in embryonic stem cell faked his results. While Adult Stem Cells are already being used to cure things, embryonic stem cells is taking a hit, and it looks like it has less to offer then they claimed to have in the past. At the same time[…]

Attack of the spam bots

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 15, 2005

I turned off the trackbacks to try to stop the spam here, but they have just moved to the comments. I woke up this morning to find that I had 110 spam comments. Looking at the logs from the web server I see that was 1/4 of the spam attempts the 404’s listed in the[…]

December 2005
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