Winter Weather
If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please be advised that the NWS is predicting allot of snow to night, so please be careful.
If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please be advised that the NWS is predicting allot of snow to night, so please be careful.
I am going to try to add the trackbacks to my blog again, I have put the file back to its original name. This is only a short term test, if I get over loaded with spam I will remove trackbacks again.
Michelle Malkin has a good long review of the Mirecki story, and reasons it might not be a true beating, as it was first claimed to be. has a article on how a Scottish “woman” is suing an abortionist for failing to kill both of her twins. The child that survived the attempted murder is now 4 years old. I would hate to be that poor child, I can image how the “mother” probably continues to remind that poor child that[…]
I just saw a post over at WorldNetDaily that talked about how the story of the beating of Mirecki seams to have some holes. Also the way the blogs and most news sites have been reporting the beating seams to be wrong. Many that are reporting about it, says the class was canceled after the[…]