The iHome

Categories: Family, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: November 9, 2005

A week ago I mentioned to my mother that I wanted to get a radio with an external antenna; the reason for this was that RF reception in my bedroom is really bad. Well today for my birthday (Nov 9, 1976) the gift my parents got me (well one of the 2) is a radio called the iHome. This radio has a dock connector for the iPod, and 2 external antennas (one for FM and one for Am) I will admit I have been wanting one of these radios for a while, but I could never bring myself to spend the money on one, and today I got one from my parents (Thanks mom and dad I love it) This thing is sweet, I have not gotten to use it much since I just got it, and just set it up, but it is going to be great. I also don’t have to worry about the battery on my iPod going dead during the night, the iHome will charge the iPod also as it plays music from it, via the dock connection. I got this iPod 2 years ago from my parents as a Christmas gift, and I use it all the time, and now I am going to get even more use out of it because of this new gift the iHome from them.

They also got me something called TuneTraveler this is a portable speaker for the iPod, this will be convent for times I am out of town over night, but with it I will have to remember to take the iPod’s charger with me since the TuneTraveler does not charge the iPod when you use the iPod with it.

1 Comment
  1. Max says:

    Happy Birthday Mike! I can’t believe you’re two years older than I am.

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