First of all I love all these games on Digital Cable (man I am starting to sound like an ad for Comcast). I have looked at the list of games for tomorrows (channels given here are all in the Pittsburgh Area) The first game I will go for is the Boston vs Pittsburgh game (starting at 7:30pm on channel 29, Fox Sports) the next game on my watch list is the Minnesota vs Phoenix (771 at 10:00pm) I really want to see what Gretzky does with the Coyotes, he right now seams to be trying to find his line up, but he still has a good game going for that team. I will also have the DVR record on the second tuner the Vancouver vs Edmonton (channel 772 at 10:00pm) game.
On the Penguins end of the sport, as much as it pains me to say this, I don’t think that they will have a good year. Mario is the problem, I love the guy as a player, he was a great player (well I think Paul Coffee was better but that just me) But now he does not help the team, it is as if when he is on the ice the other team as a power play since he is so much slower then the rest of the players. I still think he would do good to get off the ice and coach them. The only reason I can think of that he even gets ice time is because he owns the team, and he who pays the piper picks the tune.
With the game I am going to record I probably watch that on Sunday, after church.
Tomorrows Games I want to watch on Oct 8
Welcome , today is Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Hey Mike,
Can you change the date of this post? I don’t know why Drupal doesn’t handle this automatically, but your post is showing at the top of our aggregator. Thanks!
Sorry about that, some software problem there, but it has been reset, I don’t know how it got set to the 19 of Dec 8-O. but I fixed it now thanks.