Upgreade to the blog software here

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: September 8, 2005

I just got the latest version of the bBlog software and installed it on my site, it all looks fine. I have kept my modifications that I have made to my site, so you the users/readers should not see any changes. The changes are mainly on the admin side of the site. I don’t really like the new interface on the admin side of the program, but the added features that it gives me out weigh the stuff I don’t like in the look and feel. It will be just a matter of time till I get use to it. One of the nice features is the mass deletion of comments; this probably will be used on spam. Also there is mass approval of comments. I am still looking forward to the image verification for comments, but that is promised for version .8 so till then I will still have to deal with spam comments, which all will be deleted. If you my users/readers find any problems please leave a post here with what the problem was and how you got it so I can recreate it, I will read them and look into it

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