Sunday’s Ham radio operator’s Bike ride

Categories: Biking, Ham Radio
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: September 21, 2005

I tried to get some people interested in the bike ride tonight after the 88 traffic net tonight. But no one seemed to be interested. I am going to keep trying to get people interested. But here is some information about the ride for the hams that don’t get on the 88 traffic net. I figure meet around the North shore (talk in on 147.48 simplex, so bring your HT) I figure we can meet around 2pm, and hang around for 30 minutes around the North Shore / Point area. Then all pick a place to all get together at and start the ride at around 2:30pm. The North Shore area and the Point state park area are so close and line of sight that evens a few mill watts should be enough to keep all in touch on the simplex frequency. I you are a ham and interested please hope on to 88 after the Pittsburgh area Traffic net on 88 at 8pm every night or leave a message here.

  1. kb3iby says:

    I’m going to (temporarily) rig up my 2 meter antenna tomorrow, and see if I can get in with 5 watts. It’s worth a try, since my elevation is 1400 feet. If not, I’ll let you know thru the site here.

  2. I look forward to hearing you tomorrow, you should be able to hit it.

  3. kb3iby says:

    I’m going to be in PGH, so I guess I’ll just tune my HT, and see what happens.
    147.48 simplex

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