I just looked at the web logs for my web site, and found some one came in for a search “Michael O’Connor” normally I am use to my web site being hit #1 for “Michael P. O’Connor” but I never thought that I would get in the top 10 on Google for just “Michael O’Connor”[…]
The other day while walking though Wean hall down at CMU, I saw the following poster, some one had put a push pin where the S in the No Skills Required was, so at first I read No Kills Required. I have enclosed a image of the flier (sorry about the low quality of it[…]
I had some fun tonight, I had a few friends over, we played a verity of games. First we did some Egyptian Rat Screw, then some Fluxx (2 games with the basic rules, and a game with some of my custom rules, found that 2 of the ones I made I did not like it[…]