The fun thing about debugging a program is that the bug you are looking for that is causing the program to crash is rarly ever were the program crashes but just a cumative bug that happend long before in the program. And I think that is part of the fun of debugging, the hunt, the[…]
[Bad sarcastic joke] To those who believe that Aragorn was justified in invading oil rich Mordor how do explain the film linked to, it proves that Aragon lied to us so he could invaded Mordor for his rich oil buddies. And that Saron was not as evil as every one thinks [/Bad sarcastic joke] Ok[…]
The guys over at bBlogs site have put up a new wiki since the old one was not working out for them. It is a nice one, and I think maybe it might be a nice to add such a thing to my site. I will just have to look into it to see if[…]