Up comming demo

Categories: Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 8, 2004

Well at work my boss has to demo my program VISTA on the 15 or 17 I am not sure exactly when, but I should have a copy to her by the 13 at the drop dead latest, I am hoping for tomorrow to have a good copy for her, I am just trying to work out all the possible bugs I can find. This time around, I have some one over at Aptima trying to work with my program, this is good, and if there is a bug I missed she is sure to find it. I do still love debugging, but right now the debugging is the easy 5 minutes stuff. But I guess that is good, that means this close to the deadline I don’t have massive bugs to work out.

1 Comment
  1. Charles Horton says:

    I know you’ll make it!!


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