Some protest a death in CA, but the same would love to see a child murdered in MA
The Free Republic is reprinting a story from the AP. On how in MA a child is going to be put to death by the state. The child’s only crime is to be beaten by a bad father. Yet yesterday in CA liberals were all upset that a convicted killer was going to be put to death. (Let me also say here, I am not sure on the death penalty, and I am not sure Tookie should have been put to death. The loss of life, any life, is a loss to all)
The question is why do the liberals protest over the death of a guilty person (one convicted of murding 4 people), yet when it comes a innocent child (in this case a child that was beaten at the age of 11, but it easily could be a unborn child) they will call it, a “woman’s choice” or “death with dignity” but they will not call it what it is MURDER.