I think I got the spam problem down

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: May 27, 2007

Well it has been 3 days, and I have not seen spam, I know that is going to be the lowest and I will get more spam later, but it is 0 down from about 100 a day.

Here is a picture of my character in WoW

Categories: Play
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Published on: May 26, 2007


This should help stop the spam

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: May 26, 2007

I issued a sql command to the sql server that holds my blog, basicly said that if the comments section says allow, turn it to disallow, the timed ones should have all timed out, except the most resent ones, we shall see, if in a week I have over 100 spams again I will know that it did not work. But it should, since the spammers try to hit older posts, and I have all posts now set to disallow or allow comments only for 1 week after they are posted.

Tried to get a new CPU for my linux box today

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 25, 2007

but it looks like Best buy does not sell them any more, well atlest that is what I was told when I said I wanted to buy one. So I guess my photo section will be down for a little bit longer.

Tin Whistle music

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: May 25, 2007

Well here is another post. I have recorded some music that I played on my tin whistle click here to bleed your ears out

click here to bleed your ears out

I forgot how bad the spam on my blog was

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: May 19, 2007

But I am getting about 30 an hour now. Spammers are the scum of the earth. It is not like they will ever get their stuff posted here, nor will I ever use their trashy stuff.


Categories: Church
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Published on: May 12, 2007

I went bowling tonight with some friends of mine from church. It was a lot of fun, my first game I got some where in the 60’s my second game I got a 112.

Tin Whistle

Categories: Church, Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: May 12, 2007

I know some people would like me to post about my latest stuff with my Tin Whistle, well back on Easter Tim Palmer and I played the last hymn at church. Usally this is done on the front lawn for easter Sunday but this year it was to cold. “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” was the hymn that we played.

The mail is starting to come in

Categories: Church
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Published on: May 12, 2007

Well I have been elected to represent the South Western Pittsburgh circut at the LCMS national convention in Huston TX this year. Well I am starting to get a lot of information in the mail, and I am thinking I might not be able to read it all. But I will give a try; I will prioritize the stuff to, convention business, should read, and probably will not read if I don’t have the time.

I know it been a long time since I have posted here

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: May 12, 2007

And some of my friends at church and one of my friends from WoW (darkmessiah) have been incuraging me to post so ok I will post and I have a few posts to do today, so watch out.

Got my first bike ride in for the year

Categories: Biking
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Published on: March 1, 2007

Well I biked to work for the first time this year, it was great to pull the bike out of storage and bike to work, what a thrill, there is nothing like a great morning bike ride, I pity the people that have to drive to work. I will update the mile count on top of the site later on tonight or maybe tomorrow.

(no title)

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: February 28, 2007

Got an email today asking about my tin whistle playing and if I am still doing it. The answer to that question is yes I am still doing it. lately I have been practicing the following Easter Carol “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” I have been doing well, well at lest I think so. maybe I will record it later on and put it the blog.

No posts as of late

Categories: Blog Stuff, Politics
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Published on: February 28, 2007

I have gotten 2 email in the last couple of days asking why I have not posted much. Well during the colder months there is not much to talk about, no biking. I use to do political but politics have been so full of hate lately I really don’t think I want to deal with the hate that is in politics, in the last 8 years I have basically seen some candidates campaign only on “I am not that other person” Well I am starting to wonder do I want to really meditate on that stuff much.

Photo section down for a bit

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 30, 2007

Until I can get my linux box back up and the backup of my photo section back, I have deleted it since some asshole hacker thinks he is cute by hacking the site. Sorry to any one, I hope that kid that did it suffers some massive painful event soon.

I hate spam

Categories: Technology
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Published on: January 2, 2007

It does not matter how big I make my mail box quota, I just upped it again I upped it by another 100Mb it was only 100Mb, I get a phone call almost every other day I get a call that mail is bouncing again. I get so much spam that my personal email address is now official useless. I wish we had real laws against spam in all countries to get ride of it, I am about ready to close down the email address and leave the world of email, 99.99999% of the email I get is spam.

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