
Categories: Church, Hay it is funny
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Published on: July 5, 2009

Time between Bible study and church today, I checked my mail box here at chruch. In it was a copy of a newspaper called “The Christian News” (still don’t know how they got my name at the church but oh well) Headline was “Augsburg Confession still Relevant” and the first thought though my head was “Why not just have a headline read ‘sky is still blue'”. If one does not know that the Augsburg Confession is still relevant to today’s world then well they have not read it if you ask me. I just find headlines of the most obvious nature funny.

Well just have to finish setting up to record the sermon for the churches podcast.

Edit: well it does not look like today’s sermon is going to get up. My laptop fried during the service after the sermon. I should have known it was going to happen with the sound the hard drive was making.
Well when I got home it failed to boot up 3 times, then tried to boot the repair system, 4 failures, all 4 times no hard drive, then after that it just tried to do dhcp boot itself. Yep laptop is toast.

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